Health and Fitness

Being active makes a person healthy and strong. It is not just for people who have a weight problem but for everyone who likes to stay fit.

There is a lot a person can do such jog or walk every morning, play basketball or any other sport with friends but if a person wants to have muscles and look lean, then one can sign up and workout in a gym.

People workout for 3 reasons;

The first is that the person is overweight and the only way to lose those extra pounds will be to reduce ones calorie intake and at the same time workout in the gym.

The second is that the person is underweight and the only way to add extra pounds is to have more calories in ones diet and workout.

The third is just for fun and to keep that person in shape.

The best exercise plan should have cardiovascular and weight training exercises. This helps burn calories and increase the muscle to fat ratio that will increase ones metabolism and gain or lose weight.

Just like taking any medicine, one should first consult the doctor before undergoing any form of exercise.

Here are some benefits of exercising;

1. It is the easiest way to maintain and improve ones health from a variety of diseases and premature death.

2. Studies have shown that it makes a person feels happier and increases ones self esteem preventing one from falling into depression or anxiety.

3. An active lifestyle makes a person live longer than a person who doesn’t.

Working out for someone who has not done it before should be done gradually. Endurance will not be built in a day and doing it repeatedly will surely be beneficial to the person.

It is advisable to workout regularly with a reasonable diet.

A person can consult with a dietitian or a health professional to really help plan a good diet program. It starts by evaluating the lifestyle and the health of the patient before any program can be made.

Afterwards, this is thoroughly discussed and recommended to the person which usually consists of an eating plan and an exercise program that does not require the use of supplements or one to purchase any expensive fitness equipment.

A good diet should have food from all the food groups.

This is made up by 2 things. The first is carbohydrates. The food that a person consumes should have vitamins, minerals and fiber. A lot of this can come from oats, rice, potatoes and cereals. The best still come from vegetables and fruits since these have phytochemicals, enzymes and micronutrients that are essential for a healthy diet.

The second is fat which can come from mono and poly saturated food sources rather than animal fats. Since fat contains more than double the number of calories in food, this should be taken in small quantities to gain or lose weight.

Another way to stay healthy is to give up some vices. Most people smoke and drink. Smoking has been proven to cause lung cancer and other diseases as well complications for women giving birth. Excessive drinking has also shown to do the same.

For people who don’t smoke, it is best to stay away from people who do since studies have shown that nonsmokers are also at risk of developing cancer due to secondary smoke inhalation.

Health And Diet During Holidays

Holidays are a perfect time to enjoy and chill out with families and friends. Parties with wide variety of food on display tempt one and all to indulge in mouth watering delicacies. If you are the kind who swears by a fitness routine, you might tend to enjoy less of yummy foods and spend more time worrying about the increasing waistline. You can still stay healthy and fit by savoring all the delicacies. Little of planning, a dash of goal setting and dose of old fashioned discipline and control over your self will let you enjoy the holiday season without any worries. Let me list down few ways wherein you can follow your diet and stay in great shape too.

– Holidays are just an excuse to go off track from your fitness program. The mindset of people is that since we follow our fitness regime all week / month / year long, we can indulge in gorging over those cakes and ice creams. Aim to stay on track with your fitness program this and all other holidays. By skipping workouts, eating more, exercising less one tends to gain weight. It’s like going back where we started off from. Make a decision to stay in shape with all the food around you.

– Holidays are a hectic time. All premeditated schedules can go haywire. To stay on track, create a work out time table listing down all the parties, dinners and so on. Keep the time table at such a place where you are forced to look at it every day. This serves as a reminder to stick to your time table religiously.

– If you think you would like to lose 25 lbs during holidays despite enjoying parties, set a goal much before and start working towards it. Goal can also be to gain few kilos also.

– With so much lip smacking, gorgeous food all around, you will feel tempted to just give your fitness program. Keep one day aside where you can treat your self to all your cravings and give in to all your bingeing. Stick to your fitness program rest of the days. And don’t feel even one iota of guilt while satiating your self. Schedule your day to cheat on fitness routine when you have major event lined up.

– If you skip one day of exercise, don’t despair. Get on with it the next day. Nothing goes waste. One day of holiday in your fitness schedule should be a motivating factor for you to get back on your fitness regime.

– If you have planned a big dinner, you might tend to skip either morning or afternoon meal. Avoid changing your eating pattern. Treat the big dinner party at night just like regular dinner time and eat how much you would eat normally.

– Control food portion size in holidays. Eat your favourite foods in moderation. Overindulgence will show around your waistline.

– One always has choices, no matter where you are. Make the best possible choice based on the alternatives available in front of you. If it’s impossible, eat a small portion than a big one.

– Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water daily. Drink few glasses of water before dinner to control your appetite and not kill those hunger pangs. If you just drink and not eat a well balanced meal, you will bloat. Drink water throughout the day to maintain a steady state of hydration.

Discover The Secrets Of A Healthy Cookie

If you’re like a majority of people you’re on a health kick to enjoy life more. Of which one problem that you may face is giving up all of those sweet cookies for a healthy cookie. For sure you may not believe that any cookie without tons of sugar can be good. However this may not hold true, and besides eating a healthy cookie is certainly best for you. Find out more about some of the cookies you can eat, and why they’re good for you.

Sure, it’s hard to change a life time of bad eating habits with sweets, but remember it CAN be done. Nevertheless if Cookie Monster from Sesame Street can do it, surely you can too. Just because you choose to eat a healthy cookie doesn’t mean that you’re going to be limited on taste. There are dozens of recipes that exist on the Internet and in a number of cookbooks that include delicious flavors that taste sweet. A healthy cookie means digging into oatmeal, raisins, bananas, coconuts, or even apple.

You will definitely need to know the inside secrets if you are still trying to figure out how a cookie could taste so good even with all the fruit. For starters, substitution of hard granulated sugars can be replaced with artificial sweeteners. At times the use of pure white sugars that are less refined are used too. Brown sugar is used in a lot of cookies, and amazingly it’s good for you too. In other words there’s not as much sugar in the sugar, and the cookie turns into a healthy cookie to eat. In addition raw honey also plays a part to in making a healthy cookie because it’s not processed.

Cookies can be made too with no white refined sugar when you mix a lot of different types of fruit into it. Raisins, apples, and dates have a distinctive flavor and they are a very naturally sweet dessert. Also raw coconut makes a superb flavor for a cookie. In fact one very healthy cookie is a Coconut drop which is just naturally sweet. You can either put into the mixture, or browned and then topped on top of a sugar free cookie to give it that most excellent taste. Oils play a part in making a cookie sweet, so use it as much as possible in your baking.

Lastly, you can even cut down oils too. If you do not want to add any type of hydrogenated oil or trans fats, it’s easier to eat a scrumptious cookie. All you have to do is to add some light chocolate, a few fruits of berries and nuts. Sometimes you may just want to eliminate the flour too, and eat it as a bar dessert. Whatever type of healthy cookie that you decide to make or purchase, make sure that you enjoy it. It’s hard enough to give up the old habits of past for a healthy choice in our day.

Laser Hair Removal Basic Understanding

Laser hair removal is one of the newest cosmetic procedures available today. The process is to permanently remove hair from any part of your body that you wish by the use of a light at a designated wavelength, which is projected into the skin by way of a laser hand held instrument.

What the laser accomplishes, after it’s reached into the interior of the skin, is to focus on the hair’s pigment. The laser destroys the follicle of the hair but does not damage the remaining hair tissue around it.

While laser hair removal can be quite effective and has been so for many, it is new, and, as compared with older hair removal treatments, relatively untested. What this means is that we really don’t know yet just how safe or unsafe it might be and the potential for side effects. The other issue with the newness of this laser hair removal process is that no one has used it for long enough to have continuity of statistics that would indicate the rate of response to the laser hair removal treatment and the rate at which the hair grows back after each laser hair removal treatment.

Two of the most important elements to consider in qualifying potential laser hair removal candidates are skin color and hair color.

1. Skin Colour. Light skin makes laser hair removal easier to perform. Due to the lighter pigmentation, the laser hair removal results happen more quickly. Fewer treatments are required, and better, faster results are obtained. People with darker skin can be treated, but results are slower. They just have to be content with the knowledge that it will take longer to see results and a greater number of treatments are probably going to be needed.

2. Hair Colour. Laser hair removal works best on dark hair. The reason for the difference is the pigment pheomelanin, which is found only in red or blonde hair. It is very hard for a laser to penetrate pheomelanin. On the other hand, the laser goes easily through eumelanin, the pigment found in black and brown hair.

Treatment costs can add up to more than $1,000 as multiple treatment sessions may be necessary to obtain optimal results. This is largely due to the fact that laser hair removal is most effective for hair which is in the anagen phase (the growth phase). Since hair grows in cycles, not all of the hairs are in the anagen phase at any given time. Thus, more sessions are necessary to target hairs while they are in anagen.

How much and how long an individual respond to complete hair removal by laser hair removal differ from case to case. So, no hair removal clinics can guarantee 100% permanent results by a certain period. Consumers are nevertheless well advised, to consult with licensed professional and reputable laser hair removal centers.

Laser Hair Removal Factors

Laser Hair Removal is one of the newest technologies for eliminating that unwanted body hair. It is quick, easy and relatively painless. So, what’s it going to cost? Well, how laser hair removal is priced depends on a couple of factors:

1. Geographic Location. Of course, there are always going to be pricing variations due to geographic location. That’s the case with just about any product or service. You will find that laser hair removal cost differ from state to state as well as from country to country.

2. Number of laser hair removal treatment sessions. This means, the number of laser hair removal treatments you are going to need to complete your desired hairless effect. The total number of laser hair removal treatment sessions can be affected by your hair color, your skin pigmentation (light or dark) and the thickness of your hair.

Light skin makes laser hair removal easier to perform. Fewer treatments are required, and better, faster results are obtained. People with darker skin can be treated, but results are slower, more sessions are required, and greater expertise is required on the part of the laser center.

Some parts of the body are more difficult than others to remove hair. Each person varies somewhat in her or his hair regeneration speed as well.

Prior to your first laser hair removal treatment – in fact, prior to your deciding to undergo laser hair removal at all – you’ll meet with the dermatologist or medical specialist responsible for the laser hair removal. Generally, the more sessions you require, the more it is going to cost you.

3. Size of the area treated. Treatment cost varies with the size of the area treated. Large areas, such as the entire back, or the entire legs, cost considerably more than this. Small areas, such as the upper lip, can be less.

4. Type of laser hair removal equipment used. There are different types of laser hair removal equipment in the market. Also, do not confuse laser hair removal with intense pulsed light treatments. The latter can also produce effective hair removal. Although the devices used are not lasers, they are „laser equivalents“. Both utilize the same principle of selective photothermolysis to achieve hair removal. Intense pulsed light devices are in fact more difficult to adjust than lasers and require great expertise for their proper use. Individual consultation with the laser center is necessary to obtain exact pricing.

5. Pricing packaging. Not only does the laser hair removal cost vary by area and by physician, but it can also vary in its pricing structure. Some, for example, bundle the laser hair removal treatment with other cosmetic procedures. For instance, some may include the application of a hair retardation product to the treatment area to speed up desired results. Some require you to pay a total package fee and yet others may charge you for each visit separately. Experienced laser centers, which have developed expertise in laser hair removal, costs an average of about $500 per treatment session. They usually recommend a basic four treatment sessions to start off with.

As treatment costs can get really expensive, you should ensure that you can well budget for it. However, please be advised to go to an established medical center with good reputation. You may pay more but it may be worth the quality of service and care that you receive.

Choice to Remove Unwanted Hair

When you have made the decision to rid yourself of unwanted hairs there are two choices to consider electrolysis and laser. As with electrolysis, cases of scarring have been reported, but these are extremely rare. Compared with electrolysis, laser hair removal is more precise and much faster. Electrolysis is intended to be a permanent hair procedure, but much like laser hair removal, it is not guaranteed to be 100% effective. Prior to laser technology, the only options for removing unwanted hair were smelly hair removal creams, sharp razors, stinging wax or painful electrolysis needles. In fact, laser technology is already eliminating the need for these traditional methods.

Almost anybody who has undesirable hair is a candidate for laser hair removal. Both men and women have found laser technology beneficial for hair removal. A common area where laser hair removal is used is the face, chin, and upper lip on women. Another area to receive laser hair removal for women is the legs.

For laser hair removal to work, the light energy is selectively absorbed by highly pigmented hair fibers and hair follicles. So, less laser energy is required to remove upper lip hair than for pubic hair. Several wavelengths of laser energy have been used for hair removal, from visible light to near infrared radiation. In facial hair removal, a low energy laser beam is directed towards a group of hair follicles.

Current laser hair removal techniques use wavelengths of light that target melanin, the pigment that determines color of both hair and skin. The level of pain depends on the patient and the person’s skin and hair type. The presence of a suntan makes hair removal less effective and increases the likelihood of scarring or skin injury. As such, skin color must be taken into consideration. The risks can include skin discoloration, swelling, and infection. Generally, patients with dark hairs and fair skin respond best to laser hair removal.

While laser hair removal is an excellent treatment option, research efforts continue to enhance the procedure. The diode laser has a longer wavelength than other lasers used for hair removal, which may improve treatment results on darker skin types. The most common side effects are edema and erythema, which generally resolve within 24 hours after treatment.

Though it is relatively painless, you may experience a bit of discomfort from the procedure. While it is a minimally invasive procedure, the procedure is not totally free from risks. Fortunately, the complications are rare if an experienced and skilled physician does it. When done properly, the procedure can be performed quickly and comfortably during an outpatient visit.

Get ready to experience the hassle-free world of hair removal with laser technology. However, when selecting the facility to perform you hair removal, ask them about their experience and any other concerns you may have. In addition, laser hair removal is not necessarily permanent; most people will experience some regrowth within a year.

Know the Provider Qualifications

Laser hair removal is a fast-growing procedure that’s helping thousands of people get rid of unwanted hair. The latest procedure uses intensed pulsed light (IPL) to destroy hair follicles and prevent the growth of follicles and hair for an extended period of time. Laser hair removal has been so popular because of its preciseness and success rates. If you’re considering laser hair removal, your first step is to find someone who’s qualified to perform the procedure. It’s important that they be qualified and experienced to provide a high-quality procedure.

Finding Laser Hair Removal Specialists

Locating your laser hair removal specialist is not difficult. Make sure he or she is Board Certified in Dermatology. If more than one specialist is working at the office, find out if each is certified. If another member of the doctor’s staff will be performing the procedure, that person should be a registered nurse or licensed physician to ensure proper care and use of the laser equipment. The facility where your procedure will be performed should be clean and professional. Ask for a tour of the facility and where your procedure will take place if possible. Take special care in choosing your specialist because laser hair removal is a medical procedure, and should be treated as such.

State Requirements for Laser Hair Removal

Each state varies in how laser hair removal can be performed. You’ll need to know what your state requires and make sure your specialist understands this as well. The state requirements are broken down into four categories. Each category specifies how and by whom the procedure can be performed within that particular state. A brief explanation of each category is below.

1) Physician Only: A medical doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) must actually fire the laser. Then, the doctor may ask a PA, RN or other licensed professional to use laser during the hair removal procedure.

2) Direct: The laser can be fired by a medical or non-medical professional (according to the state’s requirements), but the professional must remain under the direct supervision of the MD or DO, and also use the license and practice of the doctor.

3) Supervision: A medical or non-medical professional can fire the laser and perform the procedure under the supervision of a MD or DO. Depending on the state, the physician might or might not be present when the laser hair removal procedure is performed.

4) N/A: The state has no official requirements for laser hair removal procedures.

*Below is a list of states and their general requirements for based on the four above definitions. Check within your own state, however, to obtain more detailed requirements.

Alabama: Direct
Alaska: Supervision
Arizona: Supervision
Arkansas: Supervision
California: Direct
Colorado: Supervision
Connecticut: Direct
Delaware: Physician Only
Florida: Supervision
Georgia: Supervision
Hawaii: Physician Only
Idaho: Supervision
Illinois: Supervision
Indiana: Physician Only
Iowa: Supervision
Kansas: Supervision
Kentucky: Supervision
Louisiana: Supervision
Maine: Physician Only
Maryland: Physician Only
Massachusetts: Direct
Michigan: Supervision
Minnesota: Supervision
Mississippi: Supervision
Missouri: Supervision
Montana: Physician Only
Nebraska: Direct
Nevada: Supervision
New Hampshire: Physician Only
New Jersey: Physician Only
New Mexico: Physician Only
New York: N/A
North Carolina: Supervision
North Dakota: Direct
Ohio: Supervision
Oklahoma: Direct
Oregon: Supervision
Pennsylvania: Direct
Rhode Island: Supervision
South Carolina: Direct
South Dakota: Supervision
Tennessee: N/A
Texas: Supervision
Utah: Direct
Vermont: Supervision
Virginia: Direct
Washington: Supervision
West Virginia: Supervision
Wisconsin: Supervision
Wyoming: Supervision

*State requirements as shown at the Web site of Rocky Mountain Laser College of Denver, Colorado.

Laser hair removal can be a simple, pleasant process if you find the right doctor. You can usually locate professionals in your local telephone directory, online or by consulting with your own family doctor. If you take the time to locate a doctor that’s right for you, you’ll be more satisfied with your results. You can see that unwanted hair disappear in no time!

Laser Hair Removal Is It really permanent

Do you know that the biggest problem with hair is – it doesn’t always grow in places where you want it to grow. Everyone has a specific area of their body where they want to be bald. Women most commonly seek „Permanent Laser Hair Removal“ in facial areas, on the legs or arms. Men have increasingly found „Permanent Laser Hair Removal“ beneficial for excessive hair on the chest, shoulders and back.

There are so many hair removal methods such as : Depilatories, Electrolysis, Hair Inhibitors, Shaving, Sugaring, Threading, Waxing and Tweezers. Which are the best for you ? Most people wants to get permanent hair removal but only laser hair removal give the best solution to achieve permanent laser hair reduction. Why do I call reduction ? Because The FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) says that there must be enough evidence to support those claims. In fact, Laser Hair Removal is not always permanent. Hair that does come back can be lighter in color in some people. For others, it does remain gone. However, Laser Hair Removal is one of the longest-lasting hair removal methods.

Electrolysis maybe one of permanent hair reduction methods but it’s painful and can leave scars. It’s only suitable for small areas and sometimes require treatment over years at regular intervals. Here are some advantages of Laser Hair Removal : Save (few side effects), Less time (only take few minutes) and Long term result.

Although isn’t guaranteed to be permanent, Laser Hair Removal work best on People with light skin and dark hair. Person with light skin are the easiest to treat requiring less sessions as the result are faster but person with dark skin or sun tanned skin take longer to get result because melanin, the dark pigmen in hair, is also present in skin.

Conclusion : If you want to get „Permanent Laser Hair Removal“ I would suggest that you visit a laser specialist in your area.

Laser Hair Removal – how does this process work

Laser hair removal became very popular in the past several years. There are several benefits that make laser hair removal so popular. The main benefit is the fact that laser hair removal is a cosmetic method that is considered non-surgical. Through the use of the laser hair removal patients are able to permanently remove the undesirable (or excessive) body or facial hair. Since this is a permanent removal, the laser hair removal procedure allows you to achieve results faster and for a longer period. The actual laser hair removal procedure is not invasive and is usually not painful. This is also a procedure that is not too expensive. Prices for laser hair removal are continuing to drop as the technology continues to improve.

Different laser hair removal methods are developed and offered by different organizations. The actual time it will take to go through the laser hair removal procedure will depend on the skin type and area from which you would like to have the hair removed. This can be as short as few minutes or as long as few hours. The laser hair removal procedure is based on the use of low-energy laser. In general, this laser removes hair by disabling the hair follicles. You will find laser hair removal a soft and virtually painless process that will cause only smallest discomfort.

There are few other things that you should know about laser hair removal. For example, most of the clinics that offer laser hair removal will ask you to follow the procedure several times (several sessions, to be more precise). Though unlikely, you might feel slight brief irritation or swelling. The laser hair removal may also require you to use certain prescribed skin care products for a certain period of time. Also different types of hair will respond differently to the laser hair removal. For example, it is extremely hard to remove blond hair than dark hair). Before going though the laser hair removal procedure, you should consult with a doctor or medical consultant.

Laser Hair Removal – Common Questions Answered

When it comes to body hair removal, a laser hair removal treatment is by far the most effective and permanent method available. In order to understand this procedure further, listed below we have the top 5 questions and answers about lazer hair removal.

1. How does lazer hair removal work?
A laser hair removal treatment uses specially designed laser to heat the hair follicles and render them inactive. The energy from the lasers used is absorbed by the pigment in the hair shaft otherwise known as melanin and any subsequent hair that grows from this hair follicle will be much lighter in color. After a number of treatments many people find that their lazer hair removal treatments have produced permanent hair removal results.

2. Can anyone have lazer hair removal carried out?
Although skin color and type will affect lazer hair removal, this is only in the amount of treatments that will be required. Darker hair is easier to treat than lighter hair.

3. What areas of the body can I have lazer hair removal on?
Lazer hair removal can be carried out on almost every part of the body except the eye area. This treatment is suitable for both men and women and the most common areas treated are the upper lip, underarms, bikini area, legs, chest, back, and face.

4. What makes lazer hair removal so popular?
The main reason behind the popularity of lazer hair removal has to be the permanent hair removal results that can be achieved. A laser hair removal treatment is also virtually pain free and when compared with other body hair removal options such as shaving, plucking and waxing there really is no comparison.

5. Are there any side effects?
The only side effect that you may be likely to experience after a laser hair removal treatment is a slight reddening of the skin. This usually lasts for approximately 20 minutes but will depend on your skin sensitivity.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one of the recent advancement in the cosmetic medicine field. This is a technology that continues to be developed. For example, at this point in time laser hair removal technology allows removing black and brown hair. It is still very hard and many times impossible to use the laser hair removal technology on white and red hair, but as technology develops, more and more possibilities are opening. There are many clinics that offer laser hair removal services and many doctors that can tell you what the laser hair removal procedure can do specifically for you (based on your type of hair and skin).

In general, the laser hair removal is a medical procedure that allows men and women to eliminate or reduce the hair coverage on many areas of their body. Though the laser hair removal is a method that allows for permanent hair removal, this is not done right away. You will have to attend several laser hair removal therapy sessions (usually five to ten sessions) during a certain period of time (usually eight to fifteen months). Only going through the full laser hair removal treatment will result in long-term results. The actual number of treatments and the overall laser hair removal treatment period will depend on the type of your skin, hair and the type of laser used for the procedure.

In general, the laser hair removal is the process that is used to destroy the hair follicles without causing any damage to the skin. You will be advised to stop waxing the skin area where you would like to have the hair removed for the period of approximately two months before the laser hair removal treatment. The reason for several sessions is the fact that not all hair follicles are destroyed. The new hair that grows after one session is removed during the next laser hair removal session. This process goes on until almost all hair follicles are destroyed.

Find more information by clicking on the link in the resource box.

Know What To Expect With Laser Hair Removal Nyc

Hair removal is a cultural idea that nearly everyone adheres to. Removing your own unwanted body hair can be painful, time-consuming, and only last in the short term. There are many methods of longer term hair removal that rid you of the need to shave every day, and can help you be rid of the embarrassment of body hair in places that are not culturally accepted, such as on your back. Some of these treatments can be a bit painful and a bit more costly than shaving or waxing. Laser hair removal is a fairly new commercial method of ridding your body of unwanted hair. There are many places that will remove your body hair using this method. Laser hair removal NYC is widely available.

Laser hair removal is technically known as a type of epilation, which is the removal of the entire hair, including the portion under the skin. This type of hair removal causes the hair to grow back at a much slower rate than shaving, which only removes the hair from the skin level. In addition to the use of lasers, this type of hair removal can also be accomplished by waxing or plucking. Laser epilation was performed on an experimental basis beginning in the 1970’s. Widespread commercial availability occurred in the 1990’s. Since then, laser hair removal has become a popular way to remove unwelcome body hair for longer periods of time, especially in places like NYC where wealth is plentiful, and people are really concerned about the way they look.

In laser hair removal, the lasers cause damage limited to a small area by selectively heating dark target material where the hair grows, but it does not heat the rest of the skin. Since light is soaked up by dark objects, the laser energy is soaked up by the dark material in the skin with high speed and concentration. Epilation lasers aim at one of 2 types of dark material in the skin. The primary dark target material for laser hair removers is the melanin, which occurs naturally in the skin, and gives it and hair its color. Since the laser light that is used only selectively soaks up photon, only dark hair (black or brown) can usually be removed. Another type of dark material that laser hair removers target is hemoglobin. This material is naturally existent in our blood. This is not a primary target in laser hair removal, however.

If you are interested in having laser hair removal in NYC done, that there are some things to be aware of. Number one, it is not painless. Just like plucking or waxing, when the hair is yanked out of your skin, it is going to hurt. How much depends on your pain tolerance. There are certain cooling methods that are used, depending on the laser hair removal clinic in NYC, in treating the pain and side effects, including chilled clear cooling gel, water misting, forced air cooling, and cryogen spray.

It is also important to know that no type of laser can remove your hair permanently without significant scarring, no matter what a laser hair removal clinic advertises. Multiple treatments of an area seem to be more efficient for longer-term hair reduction. In other words, if you have the treatments done on a fairly regular basis, when your hair does grow back, over time it will be thinner and lighter. There are current restrictions that most laser hair removal NYC clinics will uphold for frequency of treatments. These are a space of 1 month between face treatments, 2 months between chest treatments, and 3 months between leg treatments.

Laser hair removal NYC is a great way to rid your body of unwanted hair, especially in places that would be hard for you to treat yourself. Why shave every day when you can have smooth skin for up to a month at a time?

Is Your Doctor’s Hair Removal Laser Safe

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates medical devices in the U.S. The FDA keeps extensive databases on these devices containing lists of the devices, their safety records, pre-market notifications, and pre-market approval notices, to name a few.

Section 510(k) of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act requires regulated medical device manufacturers to notify the FDA at least 90 days in advance of their intent to market a medical device. This is known as Premarket Notification — also called PMN or 510(k). It allows FDA to determine whether the device is equivalent to a device already placed into one of the three classification categories.

This allows „new“ (unclassified) devices (those not in commercial distribution prior to May 28, 1976) to be properly identified. Specifically, medical device manufacturers are required to submit a premarket notification if they intend to introduce a device into commercial distribution for the first time.

The 501(k) notification must also be submitted when reintroducing a device that has been significantly changed or modified to the extent that its safety or effectiveness could be affected. These changes or modifications might relate to the design, material, chemical composition, energy source, manufacturing process, or intended use of the device.

The FDA has established classifications for approximately 1,700 different generic types of devices. These devices are grouped them into 16 medical specialties referred to as panels. Each of these generic types of devices is assigned to one of three regulatory classes (Class I, II or III) based on the level of control necessary to assure the safety and effectiveness of the device.

Call your laser hair removal clinic or doctor, and ask for the manufacturer, model, and 510(K) number of the medical device to be used in your cosmetic surgery procedure. The 510(K) number always starts with a „K“ and is the preferred item. Enter the 510(k) number into the appropriate field in the database search form.

An example of a 510(K) number is K002890. An example of a trade name or device name for that 510(K) number is „IntraLase 600C Laser Keratome.“ The intended use for this particular medical laser is eye surgery.

When the search results are returned, click on the link to the right of the „Summary“ line. The summary lists the characteristics of the laser device and when it was cleared for use. An approval letter should also be listed in the summary.

You may also wish to examine the FDA MAUDE (Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience) database. This database contains reports of adverse events involving medical devices. The link to this database is

To Search the MAUDE listings by Brand Name, Manufacturer, Event Type, 510K Number, PMA Number, Product Code, or date, select use the Advanced Search button. No results were returned for the 510(K) number K002890, indicating that no adverse events were reported for that medical laser device during the reporting period.

The chances are very high that a licensed doctor will be using a licensed and approved laser device for your laser hair removal or other cosmetic surgery. However, with the quantity of online data available to the public, it doesn’t hurt to check.

Remember that the FDA keeps safety records of many medical devices, not just those that use lasers. It is better to learn about possible complaints or problems with the medical device about to be used on you before the cosmetic surgery procedure, rather than afterwards.

Learn more about medical laser applications, especially laser hair removal, at the resources below.

Laser Hair Removal

Epilation performed by laser was performed experimentally for about 20 years before it became commercially available in the mid 1990s. Laser and light-based methods are sometimes called phototricholysis or photoepilation.

Laser hair removal works by sending a beam of laser light to a group of hair follicles with enough power to disable or destroy the root. If done properly, there should be no damage to the surrounding skin area. Experts say that „Laser hair removal only destroys hair in its active growth phase, the anagen phase. This phase lasts several years, and up to 85% of our hair is in that phase at any given time“.

Laser hair removal can prove rapid, gentle removal of unwanted hair. Cheaper than traditional electrolysis, it can still cost over $1,000 for multiple treatments to get the job completed. Small areas, such as the upper lip, can be less.

There are some requirements before you consider, laser hair removal. One absolute requirement is that the surrounding skin color be lighter than your hair.

In addition, people with dark skin are not good candidates for laser hair removal as they absorb too much or the laser energy into their skin. Even tanned persons should wait until their skin returns to normal color before the laser hair removal treatments.

Many areas of the body can benefit from this procedure. Any area, except near the eye, including the face, upper lip, neck, chest, underarms, back, abdomen, bikini line, and legs can have laser hair removal.

The one then to remember is that this procedure is usually permanent unlike many of the traditional methods of hair removal.

Problems that can occur include pigmentary or color change or of the skin, including either dark or light areas. Fortunately, although these color changes may persist for months, they are almost always temporary. Further, improper treatment can cause burns, lesions, skin discoloration lasting several months, or patchy re-growth.

You should also consider this about laser hair removal. Even if you are not the „ideal candidate“, you can still enjoy some benefits of laser hair removal. A medical practitioner can discuss with you your own hair and skin color combination and what type of laser hair removal treatment might work for you.

Information On Laser Hair Removal

When it comes to information on laser hair removal there are some specific things that everyone should know. The first piece of information on laser hair removal that you should know is that lasers are not for everyone and in order to carry out these procedures you must be fully qualified.

Lasers were introduced as a rapid but gentle way to permanently remove unwanted body hair and have become a huge success worldwide for both men and women. As previously mentioned lazer hair removal is not for everyone and a consultation for your skin tone and pigment is required. It is vital that the hair to be removed be darker than the surrounding skin. Light skin is the preferred choice for lazer hair removal and fewer treatments will be required. Darker skin can be treated but the results take longer and more sessions will be required.

For lazer hair removal, dark hair is much easier to treat and this is because dark hair absorbs more of the lasers energy and coarse dark hair is the best. Blonde and red hair is the most difficult to treat and a number of sessions will be required in order to achieve permanent body hair removal.

Permanent body hair removal using lasers can be carried out all over the body. Some of the most common areas where body hair removal is carried out are the face, neck, chest, upper lip, underarms, back, legs, and bikini line.

Using lasers for permanent body hair removal may sound ideal but another important point that should be considered is the cost of laser hair removal. This treatment can vary but the average cost is approximately $500 per session and there are usually between 4 and 6 sessions required.

Having information on laser hair removal is essential and knowing what skin type or hair type is required is the first step. If you choose to undergo lazer hair removal then your next step should be to find out what the procedure involves and how to prepare for it.

How Safe Laser Hair Removal Works

The word laser is an acronym for: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. It’s a device that creates and amplifies a narrow, intense beam of coherent light: light that is of one frequency. Lasers are commonly used in medical science and more recently in cosmetic procedures like hair removal.

In a laser, the atoms or molecules of a crystal, such as ruby or garnet, are excited in what is called the laser cavity so that more of them are at higher energy levels than are at lower energy levels.

Reflective surfaces at both ends of the cavity permit energy to reflect back and forth, building up the power in each passage.

With laser hair removal the laser penetrates the top layer of dermis with a specific wavelength of light (as opposed to multiple wavelengths used in Intense Pulse Light treatments), targeting melanin in the hair follicle.

A hair follicle is a sac from which a hair grows and into which the sebaceous (oil) glands open. The follicle is lined by cells derived from the epidermal (outside) layer of the skin.

Each air follicle normally goes through a five-year cycle of growth and rest, with about 90 percent of the follicles growing hair at any one time, averaging about 15 cm of growth per year.

Also called pigment, melanin is a substance that gives the skin and hair its natural color. It also gives color to the iris of the eye, feathers, and scales.

In humans, those with darker skin have higher amounts of melanin. By contrast, those with less pigment have lighter or more fair skin coloring.

Melanin provides many benefits to human beings. One of the most recognised benefits involves ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Melanin provides a natural protection against the harmful effects of these rays. However, it does not provide complete protection from the sun, and individuals with darker skin tones are still at risk from the sun’s damaging rays.

When the laser hits the melanin it damages and destroys the regrowth potential of the hair follicle. The specific wave length of light (755nm) enhances the accuracy of the treatment and gives far superior results. At 755 nanometres the laser can achieve the best penetration into the hair follicle. For people with dark hair and light skin, this is the ultimate in hair reduction.

The new 755 nanometre hair removal laser uses a special cooling system that lowers the temperature of the skin during, and after, laser exposure.

This is why the treatment is regarded as a lot less painful than other treatments. Some patients have compared the treatment to the sensation of the snap of a rubber band.

For your safety, the ownership and operation of lasers in most Australian States is highly regulated. Clinics need to have an owner’s license, clinic license, safety officers, licensed operators and licensed equipment, which is why very few clinics are fully licensed.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work

Laser hair removal has become one of the most popular techniques for removing unwanted body hair. Much of the reason this technique has become popular is that it has the capability to permanently remove unwanted hair, without causing a lot of pain. However the procedure is fairly expensive, and you may have to visit a clinic multiple times to get the results you desire. Also, laser hair removal will not work for everyone as its effectiveness is highly dependant on skin pigmentation.

Laser hair removal works by shining a laser onto the skin where it gets absorbed by the melanin pigment in the hair follicles. Ironically, nobody is exactly certain what causes this hair removal process to work. But it is believed that the heat generated at the hair follicle by the laser breaks down that follicle so that it will no longer grow hair. In some cases it is possible that the follicle may be damaged but not permanently destroyed. Since hair grows in cycles in some cases people have had hair come back after undergoing laser hair removal. The laser can be modulated so that it goes through the skin and directly to the hair follicle without causing significant pain or discomfort.

Laser hair removal does not work for everyone. Results will depend on your skin type. Generally speaking, the results are best with people who have fair skin. However if your skin is too light colored it still might not work. For people with lighter hair, or people with little melanin in their hair it might not be as effective. Be sure to fully understand the benefits to your skin type before paying the money to try laser hair removal.

The laser hair removal procedure is quite simple. A practitioner will guide the laser over the body areas to be treated. Typically this will take about one hour for an entire set of legs.

In order to prevent the skin from getting burned various gels and cooling sprays are rubbed onto the area to be treated prior to the laser beam directed towards the hair follicles. When you have the procedure done you’ll wear protective goggles to prevent any possibility of the laser impacting your eyes. This removes one of the potential dangers that could exist by having a laser used on your body in this fashion.

Laser hair removal is effective at removing hair all wide range of body parts. Effective areas that are treated include the legs, chest, back, under arms, and facial hair. The chin and the upper lip are the most commonly treated areas.

Laser hair removal can be quite expensive, especially if you have a large area to be treated. In many cases it will take four or five treatments to get the results you are looking for. However, laser hair removal offers a superior alternative to other more painful or less permanent techniques of removing unwanted body hair.

If you are considering trying this technique to remove unwanted body hair, be sure to research practitioners in your area and ask for references. Laser hair removal might be the right solution for some people. But for others laser hair removal will not be as effective. For those who are not good candidates for laser hair removal, or anyone else who is concerned that the procedure might not yield permanent results, electrolysis might be a better alternative.

Unwanted hair is a common problem among young women

We like to be sleek and neat. Shaving is just not adequate enough for getting the results we really want. However, hot wax hair removal can give professional grade results that we crave. This staple for beauty maintenance has gained popularity over the years.

With all of the other hair removal products on the market some may wonder why on earth hot wax hair removal has stood the test of time. There are some downsides to waxing away unwanted hair growth but there are also some great benefits as well. You may find that some of the new approaches just don’t stand up to the inexpensive hot wax hair removal approaches used over the years.

We all know that shaving is a real drag. I can’t count how many times I have cut myself and of course, the bleeding never seems to stop. This usually happens before a special engagement, too. Hot wax hair removal never leaves cuts on your skin and you don’t have to worry about stubble the way a guy worries about a 5:00 shadow.

Hot wax hair removal systems also make the hair grow back thinner and thinner over time. The more I wax, the less hair returns. This makes the approach superior to shaving by far. I noticed that shaved hair comes back with a vengeance.

Some people think that pain is a drawback when it comes to using this tried and true system. There really isn’t that much pain involved in the process. The hot wax hair removal approach isn’t as bad as it is portrayed. If you compare it to products like the Epilady, you definitely understand that hot wax is superior.

I bought an Epilady way back when I was in college. This little torture device is straight from the Medieval ages. I briefly used the Epilady (and by briefly I mean a second) and tossed the thing away. I wouldn’t send it to my worst enemy.

One of my college room mates was born in the country of India. She recommended that I go with her when she has her next hot wax hair removal treatment. I did and I never went back to shaving or other painful methods.

Ironically, hot wax hair removal approaches have a bad reputation for causing great discomfort. However, the approach really doesn’t especially if you compare it to the alternatives.

Hair Removal Cream

If you have hair in places on your body where you don’t want it to be, you may be suffering through the different options you have to get rid of it. It is embarrassing to admit you have hair where you don’t want it, but you should know that many women fight with this on a daily basis and you most certainly are not alone. Though you may not realize it, some of the beautiful women you see walking down the street probably have the same issues you do, they just know what to do to get rid of it. One of the best options I have found that works for me is hair removal cream.

Though you have to get used to having it on your skin, hair removal cream is rather easy to use. If you leave it on too long you may end up with red skin, but if you don’t leave it on long enough, you won’t get the results you are hoping for. You should always replace your hair removal cream every three months so that you are sure you have a product that works well. If they get too old they become ineffective and you won’t have any luck when using them.

Most hair removal cream will have to be on your face for less than ten minutes. You can also use it on your legs, but never use it on a private area. It will damage your skin and might make you sick. Keep it away from bikini area and eyes. If you leave hair removal cream on your skin much longer than the time recommended on the bottle or the box, you are going to end up with damaged skin. It is gentle as long as you only use it as directed. Your skin might be red and a little tender when you are done, but that will go away quickly if you take care of it.

I always find that if I wet a cloth with cold water and hold it on my skin after I have used a hair removal cream that it feels a lot better a lot faster. I have a few thick hairs that I have to deal with, and it takes a little longer for the hair removal cream to work when I use it. I use the cold cloth by holding it gently against my face after the treatment, and that seems to take the sting out of what I have just done. It may not be perfect, but it is far better than walking around worried about the hairs that may pop up on my chin.

Hair Threading As A Hair Removal Technique

Hair threading is becoming more and more popular as individuals search for a new way to remove hair. The process can be done at home if you would like to or you can get a much better procedure done through a salon. For those that are looking for a new method of hair removal, besides all the waxing and the shaving, hair threading may be the answer for you. Although it is about as painful as waxing, it can help to remove the fine hair that grows over your body.

You will use normal sewing thread to get the job done. The hair will be removed from the root. For an at home method, try this:

Use two feet of sewing thread. Knot the ends to make a large circle.

Hold it in both hands and wind it about ten times until it looks like a bow tie. The wound up portion needs to be in the middle.

Now, spread the fingers of one hand so that the wound portion moves to the other hand. Practice moving it back and forth for a few minutes.

Alternate the fingers that you move, spread and close.

Practice first with your leg hairs until you learn how to do it well.

Prop one leg up while you sit on a chair. Place the wound side of the thread on one side of the hair and lay the thread from the opposite end around both sides of the hair.

Move your fingers as you have been practicing quickly. The hair is captures and pulled from the root.

It is often wise to learn how to do hair threading by watching someone else do it. So, perhaps you should invest in a salon procedure the first time so that you can learn. Yes, it hurts a little and yes it is going to need to be done several times, but the process is one way for you to easily fight back unwanted hair. Once you learn how to do it, you will do it better. And, since there are no real risks of using hair threading there is no reason not to enjoy it.

Hair Removal Without Trouble

What if you do not have to use any hair removal method and your hair stops growing at places you do not want it? Can you believe that happening? Eflornithine Hydrochloride does that. Also called as, Vaniqua (a brand) this chemical is now available as a cream in the strength of 13.9%. It has been found that this cream stops hair growth if used for a long period.

Eflornithine Hydrochloride works by stopping the action of enzyme- ornithine decarboxylase that is mainly responsible for stimulating hair growth. It is to be applied twice a day for a minimum period of two months to show results in most of the users. In some users, the results may appear faster. You will continue using your standard hair removal method till that time. This cream is well absorbed by the skin, and you will begin observing difference in hair growth on your face in short time.

Many women have abnormal hair growth problems such as hirsuitism. Some women experience unwanted hair growth during menopause and some suffer from hormonal diseases and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Because of these hair appears on unwanted places on the face and affects the psychology of the sufferer.

For better results, apply the cream twice a day and leave it in place for at least four hours before washing off. You can apply your cosmetics after the cream is absorbed by the skin and has dried. You should consult your doctor about proper use. Stopping use of this cream for long term may reduce the effects seen. It is well tolerated by most women and if you experience any side effects, you should consult your doctor. Proper use of this cream can get you out of trouble of hair removal forever. Please talk to your doctor about Eflornithine hydrochloride in detail before using it and find out how best to use it.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Laser Hair Removal

Fear no longer the ignominy of unwanted body hair. If you have been willing to walk should somebody show you the way, you have come to the right place for hair removal solutions. Here we present some of the popular hair removal solutions like laser hair removal among others which can offer you the flight of fantasy that you have been seeking for so long to become truly beautiful.

Laser hair removal: The latest technology in the long list of hair removal solutions, laser hair removal offers a easy to use, extremely effective method to get rid of unwanted body hair and is long lasting in its effect. Men and Women alike have benefited from this superb technology which promises unwanted hair removal from virtually any part of the human body. The principle of hair removal by laser is based on the fact that thermal agitation of the hair follicle and bulb under the skin causes the bulb to destabilize, break down and forego the capability of regeneration. Thus laser hair removal is precise and effective in hair removal.

Shaving: The most common and the oldest hair removal solution in the market today and world different from laser hair removal. Shaving is a self administered hair removal solution in daily use by both men and women for getting rid of body hair. The equipment required is low-tech : a shaving razor, brush and cream is all that you need. However the application is limited to only areas on your body that you can see and reach and is not definitely applicable for the tender areas on the human body. This is not a permanent hair removal solution as well.

Tweezing: Otherwise called plucking, this method involves using a pair of tweezers to pull the hair out of the skin to ensure hair removal. This method is particularly painful and suffers from the same drawbacks of shaving in terms of permanence of effect and areas of applicability. It is hard to imagine that laser hair removal and tweezing essentially are solutions to virtually the same problem.

Electrolysis: Before the onset of laser hair removal, electrolysis was widely touted as a very effective method for hair removal. It’s different from hair removal by laser in the sense that, instead of a laser beam destabilizing the hair root, it’s an electric current that does the same job. This treatment also needs to be administered for a longer period of time as compared to laser hair removal and is definitely not for the faint hearted.

In our opinion amongst all the options of hair removal available in the market today, laser hair removal seems to be the most promising. Its just a matter of time before the technology becomes so prevalent that even for the unfortunate few for whom cost is a hurdle, it will be within reach of their financial boundaries!

Thermolysis Electrolysis Or Blend

You would like to have permanent hair removal. Who wouldn’t? But, there are several methods that you can go about getting it, for the most part. While no method can guarantee 100% effectiveness, most of them can do a good deal to help you. When it comes to choosing, you’ll need to examine your budget, your need for pain as well as your research facts. Here are some of your options specifically electrolysis, thermolysis or a blend.


In this permanent hair removal technique, the hair is removed directly from the hair follicle. And, in this method, the follicle is destroyed so that the hair can not re-grow. A probe is used and inserted in each and every follicle. The probe uses electrical current to cause a chemical reaction which will then loosen the hair so it can be removed. In fact, it causes a chemical reaction that will change the follicle to lye, a product that will damage it enough to cause permanent hair removal. But, the process takes quite a bit of time since each follicle has to be dealt with individually. This makes it very expensive too. In some cases, you’ll need more than one treatment.

Option Two: Thermolysis

Here, you get the same basic steps but the difference is heat. The process creates heat which will then destroy the follicle. This of course stops the growth of hair. But, if this procedure is done wrong, you can experience more than just the pain you’ll get from either of these treatments, but also scarring and burning. Although it is faster, thermolysis is not as effective.

Combine Them: The Blend

Growing in popularity is the blend method of hair removal. Here, the hair is removed through a quick version of electrolysis. Heat is used, though, which means that while the lye is produced and destroys the follicle, the heat makes it happen faster. And, what makes it even more attractive is the fact that it basically works on all types of hair. The blend method is faster, but still costly and painful.

Which To Choose?

It is up to you which method you use for your permanent hair removal. Make sure to visit a skilled professional to do it so that you get a sterilized location with an individual who knows what they are doing as this can make all of the difference. You lower your risks and get a better result when you go with experience.

Aromatherapy Massage

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you lacked the ability to smelling. Sure, it whitethorn not seem as difficult as trying to navigate a room while blindfolded, or attempting to perform daily tasks without using your thumbs, but you would still be missing a lot. For one thing, your common sense of taste would go come out of the closet the window, too. For another, your brain is wired to interpret signals from your olfactory center to tell you what pleasures or hazards English hawthorn be lurking in your surroundings.

In fact, you could say that much of what you know about the world, and how you relate to it, depends on your good sense of olfactory property. Olfaction is the only gumption fully developed at birth in humans, and it plays an important role in an infant’s ability to recognize and bond with his or her mother. Even the „chemistry“ felt between two adults Crataegus laevigata be prompted by aroma. Scientists rich person identified substances called pheromones in human consistency olfactory property that act as chemical messengers to the brain to stimulate, among other responses or behaviors, sexual attraction to a potential mate.

With at least 5 million odor-sensing cells lining the nasal bone passages, the nozzle seems to be well-equipped to observe smells on its own. Merely, approximately scientists speculate that, like other animals, citizenry Crataegus oxycantha also wealthy person a os nasale sensory device known as a vomeronasal organ that helps them to find these subtle fragrance molecules. There’s little doubt that certain odors tin give birth a direct impact on the way we think and feel. The odour of freshly baked bread, for example, May conjure up fond memories of home and hearth. Other scents, such as floral or spicy aromas, induce a romantic mood.

So recognized is this impression that many European and Asian facilities ar investing in „indirect perfuming“ to enhance productivity in the workplace and to promote recovery in hospitals. Continued from page 1. As Miczak points , „Having something used on you that has a aroma that you find personally pleasing tin can sometimes give a better force than essential oils indicated for rub down.“ According to Miczak, the about common oils used in knead bergamot, rose, chamomile, frankincense, geranium, lilac, neroli, and sandalwood — „mostly because they non-irritating to skin and pleasing to almost multitude.“ If you’re just starting buying essential oils, Kirby recommends just about of the more common oils such as , rosemary, peppermint, and ginger. Simply, choose whatever scents do the all but to relax and comfort, or energize, you. Just follow your olfactory organ. The following manufacturers supply good quality aromatherapy grade oils that toilet be found in your local health food store: Earth Harmony; Aroma Vera; Tisserand; and Aura Cacia (to name a few).

Are You Wasting Time and Money at Doctor Visits

Tips for a Better Doctor Visit

1. Have as many medical records as possible with you to document your medical condition, especially for a new visit or a consult. Go by the hospital, lab or other doctor’s office and get copies. This saves the doctor time and sometimes even avoids an extra official call.

2. Bring in the actual bottles of prescriptions. While lists are helpful, the bottles reveal how many are prescribed at a time, dosage, and if there are any refills left. There is no more guessing about the “little blue pill.” With so many generics the same drug can show up as many different shapes and sizes depending on the manufacturer. Now you can both be on the same page when talking about a specific medication. I am also surprised at the many errors on the bottles by the pharmacist.

3. Create a list of questions/requests before your visit. In fact, it would be ideal to tell the person making the appointment what areas you need to discuss. This is not the time to say its “personal.” We assume it is all personal in a medical office. It helps us be prepared in scheduling, equipment, and assigning the proper room. Believe it or not, we have heard most of your problems before. Of course if it is extremely sensitive in nature than just tell the receptionist how much time you will need to discuss your personal problem.

4. Try to keep to one system of the body per visit unless a complete physical is done. Most office visits are geared to blocks of 15 minutes. Usually this is adequate to cover most simple problems such as a rash, upper respiratory infection, and urinary infection just as examples. The longer you have had the problem or the vaguer the symptoms such as abdominal pain or dizziness expect to spend more time. Don’t hesitate to ask for more time. We would rather know ahead of time what your expectations are.

5. Ask for prescription refills, notes for work or school, and forms to fill out at the beginning of the office visit rather than at the end. Of course, a friendly reminder is always good if it has been overlooked when you leave. You can always give a list of medications needing refills to the nurse at the beginning of the visit too. Again, communication helps everyone get their needs met.

6. Be realistic in your expectations. If you start the discussion on a topic that is unrelated to the original problem on the schedule and want some answers, this leaves less time available for other problems. For example, if you are due to have a pap smear and gynecological exam but start with a headache complaint that requires a physical and full history, don’t expect all of it to be done in one visit. Always prioritize what is most important for that day. Sometimes problems become more important, symptoms severe since the original appointment or follow up was made. Just tell the nurse or doctor things have changed as soon as possible. That way we can stay on schedule and you can get the most important problem addressed.

7. Don’t leave the office without telling someone if you aren’t satisfied with your service. Most doctors and staff assume everything is going ok unless told. It is easier to fix a problem, answer a question or complaint as soon as possible while the information is still fresh. If you are uncomfortable talking or can’t stay, write a quick note. Many areas are sensitive and highly charged emotionally. It is easy to misunderstand directions, reasons for tests, or the intent of the doctor’s remarks. We really do care how you feel.

8. It is easier to process your visit on time and handle paperwork if all of your information is correct. Tell the receptionist if you have moved, have a new telephone number, or changed medical insurance. Always bring your insurance card with you.

9. I know everyone is busy and overscheduled. The number one reason doctors are behind in the schedule is patients showing up late. True, other factors can play a role such as telephone calls and very sick patients. Just be aware that as the day progresses the problem gets magnified. If you must get in and out quickly try to book the very first or second appointment of the morning or afternoon.

10. Be flexible. Medical offices are there to serve the patients. Sometimes bad news, a tragic accident, or a serious medical condition requires more time and attention of the staff. We can’t hurry someone out who is in tears. Just be understanding that if it is you, you will get the extra time and attention needed.

Are you scared to make love because of Asthma

With all the kissing, embracing, sensuous motions and the climaxing involved, sex does involve a lot of heavy breathing. This, as enjoyable as it may be, does dry out the airway passages and if one partner in a love-making session is asthmatic, sadly this could aggravate an attack…and, well end the fun stuff.

So what’s a couple to do?

Certainly, you don’t have to be celibate or have boring, heavily restricted sex, in due course we shall go over some helpful suggestions.

Now, for asthma patients, attacks induced by physical activities that involve heavy breathing are quite common. Needless to say, the general advice is to avoid these activities; however, a relationship where sex is avoided is bound to put a burden on both parties and inevitably may very well end it.

As a result to prevent a relationship going sour from no love making due to asthma, here are some tips to look into.

First, change your diet.

I can’t stress that enough and if you want to keep the sex going in your relationship and more importantly improve your health, you will do well to heed that advice. You have got to give up all processed foods and animal products such as meat, milk, eggs and the like from your diet-plain and simple. These are mucus forming foods and we all know what one physical characteristic of asthma symptoms are: Mucus.

This is a fact that has been in effect in several programs aimed at correcting respiratory health such as the „Breath Retaining Program for Asthmatics“ developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko. Within weeks of adhering to his advice, many a chronic asthmatic has been able to give up the use of ventolin inhalers.

Replace these items with mucus binding or non-mucus forming foods. These are quite simply fruits and vegetables. Make sure they are organic if possible or at least not in the list of the “dirty dozen” i.e. the ones most contaminated with pesticides such as Apples, Mexican Melons, Grapes etc…

Trust me on this; I’m speaking from experience, you will do very well to avoid the fruits in that list when it comes to asthma. Nonetheless you’d still be much better off steering clear of those food substances labeled as mucus-forming earlier on.

In addition, from my own experience, DO NOT CONSUME LIQUIDS WITH YOUR MEALS AT ANY TIME. This inhibits digestion by diluting the necessary juices in your stomach designated for that purpose. As a result, it hinders the much needed expansion of the diaphragm and consequently a constriction of the lungs- the bellows of life giving air- which results in the wheezing sounds any asthma patient is familiar with.

This dietetic change will help lay the foundation for the next factor which is to get back in shape. Perhaps the best choice for doing this may be Yoga.

There are specific yoga poses that target asthma owing to the effect of their positioning in regards to the airway passages. They include the Shoulder Stand Poses, The Fish Pose, the Head to Knee Pose and the Bow Pose. They are all very, very simple and it just dawned on me that each of these co-incidentally is useful for toning the organs used for sex!

Yoga’s Sun Salutations are also very useful for correcting breathing, mildly exercising the entire body and restoring flexibility and fitness. (Need I mention these are two factors needed for love-making?)

For simple calisthenics, you can look into doing some reps of Hindu Squats and Hindu Push-ups. Both are extremely effective for attaining improved breath control and are total body workouts into themselves. Just don’t worry about doing too many of them, if they are demanding, you can do fine with the yoga mentioned and of course you don’t have to count out walking, dancing and hiking. (This is in the hopes that your dietetic habits are changed as suggested.)

Other simple steps to curb the effect of Asthma in your love life are to:

1. Avoid excessive temperature changes
2. Ensure dust mites are reduced as much as possible in your home
3. Use a humidifier in the cold seasons.
4. Of course, not have sex right after meals…(not even about asthma here folks)
5. Keep fresh air circulating in the rooms at home as much as possible.

Things may not change overnight, nothing that drastic does; however, with these simple steps, in a short time, being hindered by asthma in regards to expressing love through sex will be a thing in the distant past.

Here’s to free breathing…and hopefully a happier relationship.

Are Alternative Medicines Effective

A growing number of people have become interested in alternative medicine to treat illnesses. Alternative medicine as a practice has created a significant amount of controversy both inside and outside the traditional medical field. Alternative medicine refers to a treatment or substance that is unproven under the application or accepted scientific standards. The most common types of alternative medicine include herbs, supplements, therapies and activities that are outside traditional medical practice. Some of these raise questions about their safety and effectiveness.

Acupuncture, massage, meditation, herbal tea, and plant extracts are popular among devotees of alternative medicine, but many traditional doctors believe these treatments are ineffective or even dangerous. Alternative medicine has become increasingly popular as more people face the aches, pains, and illnesses that accompany aging. In some cases, individuals have not obtained a cure with traditional medical approaches and turn to other options to treat their illness. In still other cases, people feel very strongly that natural methods of treatment are better than traditional medicine, so they look for answers from alternative practitioners instead of the family doctor.

There are risks associated with alternative medicine. Some of the risks arise through the use of untested, ineffective, and even unsafe substances. The manufacturers of these substances sometimes exaggerate the claims of their effectiveness. They may misrepresent the science related to the material to convince consumers to buy the product, even if its use can endanger a person’s health.

Some herbal remedies are advertised as being able to improve memory, raise metabolism, or cure cancer and heart disease. In reality, the remedies may cause harm if taken at high doses. Another risk is that someone with a serious disease like cancer will not receive traditional and proven treatments, preferring to use alternative methods that may not be effective. In these cases, people are risking their lives. Sometimes, patients may be using alternative treatments, but not telling their doctors about them. This can lead to dangerous drug interactions. If a traditional doctor is unaware of the substance a patient is taking, medications that produce harmful interactions may be unknowingly prescribed.

It is possible to recognize potentially risky alternative treatment. If a treatment sounds too good to be true, it probably is. While this is a cliché, it is often very true in situations involving alternative medicines. Be careful of products labeled ‘miraculous’ or ‘ancient remedy.’ If you are thinking about treatments such as acupuncture or reflexology, check the qualifications of the practitioner before being treated. Ask about the training received, and research the treatment to determine if it has been scientifically tested and found to be effective.

It’s a good idea to ask your doctor about an alternative treatment you are considering. Trained medical professionals have the experience and education to help you make safe decisions about your health.

Applied of kineziologiya

The human organism is capable of autoreduction and self-healing. Then why man constantly does be ill?

Because for including the processes of autoreduction and self-healing, is necessary satisfaction of the specified conditions:
it is correct to obtain information from the receptors, located on the skin (external receptors) and located on the internal organs, the vessels, the joints (internal receptors);
to rapidly conduct the obtained information to the control centers of nervous system;
control centers must correctly react and rapidly send order to the skeletal muscles and other systems;
to the obtained command, not only muscular system, but also other systems of organism (respiratory, vascular, endocrine) must rapidly and adequately react.
Or it will be incorrectly perceived by receptors.
Or it is incorrectly carry ouied to the control centers of nervous system.
Or to it incorrectly they will react by other systems.
Truly all diseases appear as a result of the disturbance of nervous system.

For example:
Infectious disease – reason in the infection. This not entirely so, reason in the fact that the infection not was rapidly identified and in proper time removed.
Injury – result of drop. This not entirely so, reason in the fact that the information about the emergent drop did not be able rapidly and to correct reach nervous system, and man did not have time to reduce the specific groups of muscles and to be grouped.
Inclination of body, the lift of gravity – reason for the rupture of disk. This not entirely so, simply with the fulfillment of this work not the reduction of muscles of the back (either incorrectly tension it was perceived by receptors, or is incorrectly carry ouied to the control centers of nervous system, or incorrectly to the signal they reacted muscle) was correctly perfected.
From these positions applied of kineziologiya – method of restoring the correct reaction of nervous system.

Because it possesses the possibility to estimate the state of the peripheral component of nervous system (excitability of reflex to the tension of separate skeletal muscle) and to reveal and to remove the reasons for the failure of the reaction of nervous system to the irritation.

Applied of kineziologiya – method of activating the processes to autoreduction and to self-healing restoration.

Because under the conditions for the clear work of nervous system organism can rapidly react to the irritation of receptors and send order to the skeletal muscles and other systems (respiratory, vascular, endocrine).

Applied of kineziologiya – method of restoring the health by the briefest way.

Because there is the possibility to evaluate any action on the organism from the position of biological feedback with the organism

Amla Herb Benefits

Amla also know as amalaki, dhatriphala and in Sanskrit and Emblica officinalis scientifically, is the most widely used herb in the ayurvedic system of medicine. it maintains balance amongst three Doshas of wind, bile and phelgm (Vayu, Pitta and Cough) and effectively controls digestive problems, strengthens heart, builds up and sustains defence mechanism, improves eye sight, imparts a anatural glow to hair and body and a store house of Vitamin C.

The English name of amla: Indian gooseberry, denotes that it is indigenous to India. Though all parts of the tree have medicinal value, it is the fruit which constitutes the main drug. Charaka has specifically mentioned it as a great rasayana that helps protect people from disease and keeps away the manifestations of premature ageing.

Amla fruit is acrid, cooling, refrigerant, diuretic, laxative, alexeteric, antipyretic, aphrodisiac alterant, tonic and trichogeneous. It is the richest natural source of Vitamin C. 100 gm. of Amla contains about 700 mg. of vitamin C, which is thirty times the amount found in oranges.In adition to Vitamin C, it also contains calcium, iron, protein, garlic and tannic acids, sugar, phosphorus, carbohydrates etc. The juice of fresh amla fruit is given as tonic, diuretic and anti-bilious remedy. It is also helpful in burning sensation, over thirst, dyspepsia and other complaints of digestive system.

The powder of the dried amla fruit is an effective remedy of hyperacidity, ulcers and blood impurities. It is also used both internally and externally as a decoction and paste. Some of the common uses of amla fruit are as under:

Amla strengthens the body, expel toxins from the body and improves defense mechanism of the body.

It is an essential vitamin to improve eye sight

Weakness of body, heart and mind shall be dispelled by taking frsh amla juice in betwen meals.

Massaging the head with amla oil, induces sound sleep and is good for hair. prevents premature graying of hair.

Wash eyes daily, in the morning with amla water, soaked in water and drink the water to improve the eyesight and remove constipation.

Insert 2-4 amla juice drops into each nostril to cure bleeding for nose.

Regulates Blood Sugar

Very Powerful anti-inflammatory herb.

A wonderful antioxidant and a natural Source of Vitamin C. Amla helps scavenge free radicals.

Amla is powerful food for the brain.

Studies show that Amla helps lower cholesterol

Amla also helps maintain the functioning of the liver

Increases Hemoglobin, Red blood cell count

Useful for Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma

Amla cleanses the mouth, strengthens the teeth

Its decoction is used in hyperacidity and with honey as an anthelmintic. The presence of Amla resulted in an enhanced cell survival, decreased free radical production and higher antioxidant levels similar to that of control cells. (Phytother Res. 2003 Apr;17(4):430-3.)

There are various classic ayurvedic preparations, such as chyawanprash in which amla is used as a chief ingredient. It help improve intelligence and memory power. Triphala and Brahmrasayana are other classic medicine in which amla is being used since time immemorial.

Alternatives For Hormone Replacement Therapy

Do alternatives for hormone replacement therapy exist? Yes! Available alternatives for hormone replacement therapy are of two primary forms – synthetic therapy and natural hormone replacement therapy.

The synthetic hormone replacement therapy drugs are not the same as natural hormones that occur in the body. Since substances occurring naturally cannot be patented, drug companies alter the molecular structure and create new substances that are patentable and therefore protected for business purposes. Examples are Premarin, Prempro and Provera – these synthetic drugs are different in their molecular structure from the estrogens and progesterone found in the human body.

But alternatives for hormone replacement therapy using synthetic drugs may not treat your symptoms of menopause safely! And the problem with synthetic drugs is – since they are different from what occurs naturally in the human body, the body treats them differently, and the result is often harmful side effects. Synthetic hormone replacement therapy risks may exceed the benefits based on numerous clinical trials such as the Women’s Health Initiative studies!

On the other hand, natural alternatives for hormone replacement therapy use natural estrogen and/or natural progesterone hormones. Natural hormones are also referred to as bioidentical hormones. Using safer natural alternatives for hormone replacement therapy is recommended by numerous physicians since the body is able to receive, use and eliminate the natural hormones as needed. Most women may not need synthetic drugs with related side effects to regain health and eliminate symptoms of hormone imbalance.

The two primary hormones for a woman are estrogen and progesterone. Both are needed to function normally and for good health. In a healthy woman and normal menstrual cycle, estrogen is the main hormone produced for the first 10-12 days following the previous menstrual flow. With ovulation, the body begins producing progesterone that continues for the next 12 days or so. If pregnancy does not occur, estrogen and progesterone levels will drop at around day 28 and menstruation begins. However, if there is no ovulation, progesterone will not be produced by the body that cycle. This event is called an annovulatory cycle, and it is happens frequently today for women in their thirties and forties – no ovulation and no progesterone.

What this means is the woman will be deficient in progesterone with an excess of estrogen, which will likely result in symptoms of hormone imbalance. Progesterone balances or opposes many actions of estrogen. Without suitable progesterone in the body, symptoms of hormone imbalance will likely be experienced. The symptoms of hormone imbalance can be signs that your body isn’t getting the support it needs.

If the woman has had a hysterectomy, surgical menopause means the body produces little or no progesterone, creating hormone imbalance. And in postmenopausal women, the production of progesterone ceases as ovulation no longer happens. However, estrogen production will still be 40 to 60 percent of what it once was even after menopause.

How does a woman know more about appropriate natural alternatives for hormone replacement therapy? One way is to work with a naturopathic doctor who is schooled and trained in both conventional medicine and natural alternative medicine. If you are currently on synthetic HRT and want to change to natural HRT, you should consult with doctors experienced in the use of natural hormone replacement therapy. Naturopathic physicians are medical doctors that work to restore and support the body’s systems by using medicines and techniques that are in harmony with natural body processes. A naturopathic physician will prefer treatments which keep harmful side effects risks at a minimum.

Another way is to take the online hormone health test provided by a leading women’s health clinic. The online test takes just a few minutes and is free. Find out more about your health, symptoms, what the symptoms may be telling you and what to do about it based on your answers to important questions. And read more about hormone imbalance and physician-recommended natural alternatives for hormone replacement therapy.

Alternative Treatments For Headaches And Advice

There are now many alternative and natural treatments to help people who suffer from headaches and migraines. In this article, I write about these type of remedies and also recommend the types of food people should avoid if they are always suffering from headaches and migraines.

There are many causes of headaches including:

Excessive amounts of alcohol

Over eating

An incorrect posture

Too much stress

Problems with teeth

Problems with a person eyes

It is important that we learn to deal with stress and to become more care-free. A lot of people react to stressful situations by turning to alcohol. This can only add to their problems and can lead to even more headaches.

If the person drinks to excess they may wake up with a hangover. If this happens to you I would advise you to drink plenty of water as you are likely to be dehydrated. Vitamin C is also useful to remove the alcohol quicker from your body.

If you are unable to live a stress-free life, it may be worth looking at alternative treatments. These are the types of natural therapy I would advise:





Tai Chi

The Alexander Technique

There are also certain foods and drinks which are a must to avoid for people who have regular headaches. These include:

Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit





Headaches are annoying enough, however migraines can be severely painful. I have suffered with migraines for a number of years and have now studied the subject seeking a cure. I am determined to not have to live my life, having these migraines regularly throughout the year, as the pain is unbearable. Maybe I am a bit of a wimp, but they really do cause me a lot of grief.

There are a number of reasons or causes for migraines. These include bright lights, certain foods or loud noises. I have to say that I think my own migraines are caused by stress and anxiety. I have always been a worrier and have suffered with a low self-esteem for most of my life. There are many reasons for this lack of confidence, which I will not bore you with at this stage.

I decided that I needed to deal with my stress as well as learning about how to eradicate the migraines.

I am now able to relax and have accepted that no one person is perfect. I realise that I will make mistakes and as long as I learn from them, then that is OK. Worrying does not help me in any case therefore I have to stop doing it.

I have also used alternative health therapies to help me to reduce my stress including:

Herbal remedies



Tai Chi

I still have headaches as I have to admit that I do like to have a few beers around once a week. I have not however had a migraine for around nine months now. I am a lot happier in life and have learnt how to manage my levels of stress. I regularly meditate and use other natural remedies as mentioned above. This is what has helped me and I hope it helps you to.

Alternative Therapies For Asthma Treatment

Are there effective alternative therapies for asthma? Many researchers believe biofeedback holds promise as a way to help asthma patients.

What is biofeedback all about? It involves measuring a person’s body processes like heart rate, blood pressure, galvanic skin response, etc and providing this information to the person in real time. This creates awareness of these processes and in turn, can help the person gain conscious control over related body functions.

For instance, scientists have shown that a person can consciously influence his heartbeat. In fact, some studies at the National Institutes for Health have indicated that patients can be trained even to lower their blood pressure.

Biofeedback training is part of what is called complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). It was Dr. Neal Miller, a neuroscientist at Yale who first said that it is possible to exert conscious control over automatic body functions. The scientific and medical establishment of the time scoffed at his statement and held that such things are impossible.

However, subsequent research by several groups has shown that control over unconscious body functions is indeed possible. Many patients have found relief from migraine using biofeedback training. Some researchers are studying the possibility of using biofeedback as the main treatment for high blood pressure problems.

How does biofeedback apply to asthma?

During an asthma attack, the muscles around the airways are inflamed and contracted. If these muscles can be relaxed, air would flow more freely into the lungs and the distressing symptoms of asthma would be alleviated. Biofeedback systems train the patient to accomplish just that.

In addition, asthma patients often have abnormal breathing patterns. The Society for Applied Psychotherapy and Biofeedback says that ‚barrel breathing‘ is one such pattern. This is when the asthmatic takes in a deep breath and then doesn’t fully breathe out. Instead, they take several shallow in and out breaths without emptying their lungs completely.

As a result, their lungs can’t be refilled with fresh air since they never empty fully when breathing out.

Using a process called pneumographic biofeedback, asthma patients learn to recognize their altered heart rates that occur during barrel breathing. And they learn to change their breathing pattern to lower their heart rate as well as improve oxygen intake.

Some studies have concluded that this type of biofeedback treatment not only reduced the symptoms of asthma but also brought down lung inflammation and resistance to normal breathing. The heart beat variability biorhythm treatment has also resulted in lowered medication use and better pulmonary function.

The National Institutes of Health advices asthma patients who wish to use biofeedback training to work with a competent trainer and to keep their doctor fully informed. The latter is important because asthma patients should be monitored regularly and medication may need to be adjusted from time to time.

Overall, biofeedback treatment is one of the more promising alternative therapies for asthma.

Alternative Medicines That Work For Me

There is a lot of hype about alternative medicines, and some of them are certainly without much value. Of course there is a lot of hype about regular medicines, many of which do as much harm as good. The fact that natural remedies and treatments rarely hurt people as much as prescription drugs is one reason to at least try them. Here are a few that I can vouch for from experience.

Tea Tree Oil

I had a lump on the side of my nose, growing slowly, bleeding at times. I had it for years, and the one time I asked a doctor about it, he wasn’t sure if it was actually cancerous. I read somewhere that tee tree oil might work. I bought a bottle at a health-food store for $6. I applied a drop to the lump each day, and in less than six weeks, the lump was gone completely.

Coincidence? After having the growth for years? I don’t think so. In fact I had another growth years later on my neck, and for several years, I couldn’t remember what I had used the first time. When I found a clue in some old notes, I used tea tree oil on that growth, which was even larger than the first one. It was gone in about six weeks.

St. John’s Wort

When hiking in Canada, I cut my foot. The gash was deep. I found St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perfolatum), which has been proven to have anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. I mashed up a few leaves and bandaged them to the cut, replacing them occasionally. I have honestly never seen a cut heal faster.

St. John’s Wort is one of the better known alternative medicines now. It is used as an anti-depressant, with numerous studies showing it’s effectiveness. It is also used by some as a temporary mood-elevator. This effect isn’t proven yet, but whenever I’ve had tea made from the plant, it tasted awful and left me happy for two hours. Anecdotal and subjective evidence (I’m not even entirely convinced), but interesting.

Valerian Root

When my wife has cramps and pain, nothing works better than a cup of tea made from valerian root. You can get the tea in many stores now. I wouldn’t try driving after having valerian root. This is a powerful relaxant.

In fact, valerian root is too strong for some people. A gentler herb that will relax you is chamomile. You can find this as tea too. It makes a great drink with honey, just before you are ready to go to bed.

There are so many alternatives out there. I have stopped a headache just by chewing on willow twigs. I have stopped diarrhea with oak bark (careful – this can hard on the liver in large doses). I have watched a friend’s poison ivy rash disappear overnight with the application of jewelweed juice.

I am sure that I have tried just as many alternatives that didn’t work, too, but you know what? Put all the ineffective ones together and the cost probably doesn’t add up to the cost of one visit to a doctor. As for the effective ones, well, no doctor yet has introduced me to one of them. You have to do your own research on alternative medicines.

Why The Silence

If there are alternative medicines and natural treatments that really work, why don’t we hear more about them? I don’t think there are many true conspiracies around, but this is one of those areas that makes me wonder. The movement between government posts and positions in the pharmaceutical corporations is well documented. This easy movement between the boardrooms and the FDA and other agencies certainly leaves room for abuse and „back door agreements.“

More often than not, though, there is just a conspiracy-of-common-interest that prevents safe alternative medicines from coming to market, or from becoming widely known. For example, drug companies don’t want the competition of safe alternatives to their drugs. Meanwhile, it is politically safer for the FDA to not allow a product, because if they approve something and it causes any problems, they get the blame. This is a convenient coinciding of interests.

Also, natural products, like silymarin (Milk Thistle Extract), which is used all over Europe to treat poisonings and to protect the liver, are legal here, but not well known. This is because, as a natural product, there is no way to patent it. Without being able to exclude others from selling it, no company can afford to spend the millions it would take to get it approved as a medicine here.

A natural product also can’t be marketed heavily. Imagine if a large company spent millions to promote a medicinal herb. As soon as they got the public’s attention, all the smaller companies could undercut them on the price, since they spent nothing on marketing, and a plant product is usually the same no matter what the name on the label. No company wants to spend big money on a product they don’t have an exclusive right too.

When a plant isn’t approved as a natural treatment, there are no pharmaceutical reps out there educating doctors about it (Didn’t you know that’s how doctors keep educated?). In addition, even if a doctor has read about a useful plant, he is more likely to face a malpractice suit for an allergic reaction to an alternative medicine than from killing someone with a „standard and accepted“ treatment. Which do you think he’ll recommend?

Companies face the same issues of liability. In addition, the companies are limited in what they can say about these natural products. This is why you can look all over the box that some plant medicines come in, and never once see a mention of what it is for. It is tough to learn about these natural treatments, isn’t it?

In other words, if you want to know about alternative medicines and medical treatment, you have to look outside the mainstream for your information. You have to read the magazines that cover these alternatives, and sometimes, when it is safe, you have to even experiment a little on yourself.

As for my own approach, I like to see that there is actually some real research that demonstrates a benefit. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean much. People get better all the time, and credit whatever they happened to be using at the time. On the other hand, if it is inexpensive and safe, like eating blueberries to improve vision, I’ll try almost anything once.

Do natural treatments work? Sometimes. I have twice removed skin growths from my face that may have even been pre-cancerous. They were there for many years, yet it took just weeks to make them disappear using a simple and cheap natural product. I have also witnessed the fastest healing of a cut (on my foot) that I’ve ever seen, after applying a common plant to it. Some alternative medicines really do work.

Alternative Medicine to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Home remedies and homeopathic medicine have begun popular over the years as an alternative to prescription drugs. Many people are not aware that there are also home remedies available to lower your blood pressure. What is nice about a home remedy is the lower cost and eliminating the unfavorable side effects of prescribed medicines. Another advantage of home remedies is that while it may be used to alleviate one symptom, it often has other health benefits. Many home remedies can be found in your local supermarket and health food store.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, here are a few home remedies. These remedies will not only lower your blood pressure but are good for your general health too.

Below are a few home remedies to help lower your blood pressure

· Potassium and Magnesium. Foods high in these minerals are bananas, molasses, soy and bananas. Some fruits such as watermelon and grapes are also a good source. Not only will these foods lower your blood pressure but are beneficial to your overall health too.
· Garlic has many beneficial properties that improve overall health, including lowering your blood pressure. Consumption of garlic will also reduce blot clot occurrences in individuals. It is believed by some researches that garlic will also lower the triglyceride levels.

Therefore, you are probably wondering what a triglyceride is. A triglyceride is a glyceride that occurs naturally in tissues and consists of three fatty acids that are bound together in a single molecule. They are an important energy source forming much of the fat stored in the body.

You can research on how to lower your blood pressure using home remedies in many ways. The internet has a wealth of information dedicated to home remedies and homeopathic medicine to lower your blood pressure. Bookstores and libraries also offer an abundance of information. With a little research, you can find alternatives to prescription drugs for lowering your blood pressure.

As with any alternative health remedies, consult with your physician before discontinuing any prescribed medicines. Abruptly taking your prescription medicine could have serious and long-term effects on your health.

Western Medicine is Curative

Have you heard the term “wellness?” It has two contexts, one in alternative medicine and one in Western medicine.

In the alternative medicine world, wellness means taking care of yourself so you don’t get sick. Let’s find ways to avoid cancer, heart disease, mental illness. We can do this through changing our diet, exercising more, and changing our energy fields.

In Western medicine, we wait until we get one of these diseases, then we rush heroically to “beat the disease.” In Western medicine, the term wellness means “early detection” of disease. If you walk into a “Wellness Center” in a hospital, you’ll see mammogram screening rooms, MRI machines and other tools to scan for the existence of disease.

Is that wellness? To me, it’s not. Wellness is about staying well, it is about avoiding disease in the first place. When a person is told “You have cancer,” it is a major blow to their psyches, and their lives. Why go through that if you don’t have to? Why not do whatever you can to avoid that terrible day?

Western medicine treats the “pre-detection” part of life as a kind of random soup of nothingness. You can’t really do anything about any of these diseases, you just get them or you don’t. No rhyme or reason to it, it just hits you, and then you deal with it.

Genetics is a big factor in the Western medical model. If you get cancer, ah, well, it was in your genes that you’d get it. You see, your great grandfather had cancer, so it was inevitable that you’d get it too.

Huh? Unfortunately, Western medicine can’t explain why siblings get or don’t get diseases supposedly passed on from their parents. One sister dies of cancer at a young age (because of genetics) and the other sister lives to be 100 (genetics).

For my part, I’m going to take the best care of myself possible, and not play a silly waiting game for disease.

Western Medicine is Reductionist

The major difference between alternative medicine, or what I’ll call holistic health, and Western medicine, is in approach.
A Western doctor, or MD, sees his duty as searching out disease, diagnosing it, and treating it. If he does that correctly and effectively, he’s done his job. Most often, this means the doctor prescribing a pharmaceutical drug or a surgical procedure to remedy the situation. The patients is passive in all of this.
A holistic health practitioner sees her duty as an educator and a facilitator. She feels that the body can heal itself, and it doesn’t necessarily need outside influences (drugs, surgery) to heal from an illness or to prevent an illness. In holistic health, the patient is an active participant.
This is the best and the worst thing about holistic health! The patient is actively involved in the healing process. Everything you know about your body says that this is the right approach. It makes so much sense. That’s the good part. The bad thing about this is that it is HARD WORK for the patient. In most cases, the patient must make changes to their lifestyle. Change your diet, do more exercise, stop using sugar, do these stretches, stop negative thoughts, meditate twice a day, etc.
Making lifestyle changes is immensely difficult. The only time it’s easy is when you are faced with a life-threatening disease. When you find out you have lung cancer, it’s pretty easy to quit smoking. However, it’s far too late by that time. Lifestyle changes need to come before the illness becomes manifest.
Let’s examine one of the big differences between holistic health and Western medicine: holism versus reductionism.
Holistic versus Reductionist
This is a major shift in perspective. Taking a holistic perspective means that you cannot understand a single problem with a single part of the human body without looking at the whole person. We use the short-hand “mind, body, spirit” to refer to the whole person.
This is not how a Western doctor is taught to see a patient. He sees the patient as the disease. “This is an epileptic,” it is not a whole person who has epilepsy. He feels that he can administer a drug or perform a surgery that will cure a person’s liver without making any difference to the rest of the person. Of course, this is never possible, so when the inevitable “complications” arise, the Western doctor deals with those one at a time, often causing additional problems for the person, whether in body, mind or spirit.
Even those three parts of the person are treated by separate people in Western society. The body is the domain of the medical doctor. The mind is the domain of the psychiatrist. Spirit is left to the priest, rabbi or pastor. There is no overlap in roles, except for referrals from one to the other. In our bodies, of course, there is tremendous overlap. A loss of connection to God or the universe will cause no end of mental and physical problems. Mental stress causes many physical diseases, as we well know. Who can coordinate between these in the Western system? No one. Problems falling “through the cracks” between mind, body and spirit is a common failure of Western medicine.
A holistic practitioner understands the interconnections between mind, body and spirit. They work on the connections, and, although the practitioner may not be an expert in all three, they focus on the overlaps rather than ignoring them.
In my opinion, a holistic approach is better in almost every case for almost every person. Understanding the linkages between mind, body and spirit is essential to understanding how to stay well and how to heal. Western medicine can play a part within the scope of holistic health by offering emergency solutions to problems that arise quickly and need to be fixed immediately.

Alternative medicine cervical cancer prevention

Cervical cancer is the second-most common cancer in young women and is one of the most common causes of cancer deaths among women, particularly in minorities and
in impoverished countries. Like all cancers, cancer of the cervix is much more likely to be cured if it is detected early and treated immediately at its initial stage with the alternative medicine through natural medications with no side effects at our center.

Cancer of the cervix occurs when the cells of the cervix change in a way that leads to abnormal growth and invasion of other tissues or organs of the body.It is caused primarily by a sexually transmitted infection with an oncogenic strain of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Studies have shown dietary intervention and nutrient supplementation to be effective in preventing cervical cancer. Additionally, local escharotic treatment combined with systemic treatment shows significant potential in reducing dysplasia

Cancer that forms in tissues of the cervix (organ connecting the uterus and vagina). It is usually a slow-growing cancer that may not have symptoms, but can be found with regular Pap smears (procedure in which cells are scraped from the cervix and looked at under a microscope).

The uterine cervix is the lowest portion of a woman’s uterus (womb). Most of the uterus lies in the pelvis, but part of the cervix is located in the vagina, where it connects the uterus with the vagina.
* One of the key features of cervical cancer is its slow progression from normal cervical tissue, to precancerous (or dysplastic) changes in the tissue, to invasive cancer.
* The slow progression through numerous precancerous changes is very important because it provides opportunities for prevention and early detection and treatment.

Other possible risk factors include the following:
* Giving birth to many children.
* Having many sexual partners.
* Having first sexual intercourse at a young age.
* Smoking cigarettes.
* Oral contraceptive use (the Pill).
* Weakened immune system.

Cervical cancers don’t always spread, but those that do most often spread to the lungs, the liver, the bladder, the vagina, and/or the rectum.

Self-treatment is not appropriate for cancer under most circumstances. Without medical treatment, the cancer will continue to grow and spread. Eventually vital body organs will not be able to function properly because the cancer will take their oxygen and nutrients, crowd them out, or injure them. The result is very often death.

Although self-treatment is inappropriate, there are things you can do to reduce the physical and mental stresses of your cancer and its treatment.

Maintaining good nutrition is one of the best things you can do.
* You may lose your appetite during your treatment.
* Common side effects
* People who eat well, take in enough calories and protein.
* keeping up your calorie and protein intake.

The following lifestyle changes may help keep you stronger and more comfortable during treatment:
* Engage in mild physical activity
* Rest is equally important
* Quit smoking.
* Avoid alcohol.

Treatment of cervical cancer is directed at preventing precancerous cells from becoming cancerous cells.
* This is usually a step-by-step process
* The deepest cells must be removed

Cervical cancer begins with abnormal changes in the cervical tissue. The risk of developing these abnormal changes has been associated with certain factors, including previous infection with human papilloma virus (HPV), early sexual contact, multiple sexual partners, cigarette smoking and taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills).

Treatment of cervical cancer is directed at preventing precancerous cells from becoming cancerous cells.The key to preventing invasive cervical cancer is to detect any cell changes early, before they become cancerous. Regular pelvic examinations and Pap smears are the best way to do this.

Avoidance of human papillomavirus infection is becoming increasingly important in the prevention of precancerous and cancerous changes of the cervix.
* Early age at first intercourse is associated with increased risk
* Likewise, barrier protection, such as condom use, may prevent HPV infection, although this has not yet been fully studied.
* Early tests found an experimental vaccine to be effective against the virus responsible for half of all cases of cervical cancer.
*. Quitting smoking may decrease your chances of developing cervical cancer.
* Genetic material that comes from certain forms of HPV has been found in cervical tissues that show cancerous or precancerous changes.
* These findings demonstrate a strong link between the virus and cervical cancer.
* Because HPV can be transmitted by sexual contact, early sexual contact and having multiple sexual partners have been identified as strong risk factors for the development of cervical lesions that may progress to cancer.

Possible signs of cervical cancer include vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain.These and other symptoms may be caused by cervical cancer. Other conditions may cause the same symptoms. A doctor should be consulted if any of the following problems occur:
* Vaginal bleeding.
* Unusual vaginal discharge.
* Pelvic pain.
* Pain during sexual intercourse.

Tests that examine the cervix are used to detect (find) and diagnose cervical cancer.
Certain factors affect prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options.

Treatment options depend on the following:
* The stage of the cancer.
* The size of the tumor.
* The patient’s desire to have children.
* The patient’s age.
* The type of cervical cancer.

Treatment of cervical cancer during pregnancy depends on the stage of the cancer and the stage of the pregnancy. For cervical cancer found early or for cancer found during the last trimester of pregnancy, treatment may be delayed until after the baby is born.

The process used to find out if cancer has spread within the cervix or to other parts of the body is called staging. The information gathered from the staging process determines the stage of the disease. It is important to know the stage in order to plan treatment

What Happens During Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture is one of several popular alternative therapies tracing its roots to traditional medicine in China more than 5,000 years ago. Although the treatment is regarded as one of the most common and oldest worldwide, acupuncture only started to become recognized in the US after New York Times journalist James Reston wrote a feature on how his post-surgery pain was eased by doctors in China in 1971 using the procedure.

1. The Basis Of Acupuncture

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Article Body:
Acupuncture is one of several popular alternative therapies tracing its roots to traditional medicine in China more than 5,000 years ago. Although the treatment is regarded as one of the most common and oldest worldwide, acupuncture only started to become recognized in the US after New York Times journalist James Reston wrote a feature on how his post-surgery pain was eased by doctors in China in 1971 using the procedure.

1. The Basis Of Acupuncture

The treatment assumes something called qi (pronounced key) – energy in living beings that passes through twelve meridians or invisible energy lines in the body. Each line links to a specific organ system; the belief is that any imbalance in qi flow leads to a disease. The key component of acupuncture treatment is the insertion of needles into key points on the meridian lines to renew balance. These extremely thin, metallic needles are aimed at specific anatomical points and controlled manually or by electrical stimulation. An individual usually feels relaxed and energized after acupuncture.

2. Modern Treatment

The US Food and Drug Administration reclassified these needles as medical devices in 1997, from the earlier classification as experimental. The FDA notes that over $500m are spent by people in the country every year for the treatment, for which a good number secure insurance coverage. The agency’s main restrictions with the needles are that they be non-toxic and sterilized and that they be used only once and discarded immediately after.

– Acupuncture is endorsed by the National Institute of Health
– Is practiced by dentists, doctors and other health practitioners

3. Increasing Acceptance

Increasing acceptance of acupuncture was highlighted by the National Health Interview Survey in 2002, which indicated that the number of American adults turning to the treatment surged from 2.1 million in 2001 to about 8.2 million the following year. The interest in acupuncture also received a boost from the impatience individuals had with the failure of conventional medicine.

4. How Does It Really Work?

Acupuncture reportedly induces the release of endorphins in the body, relieving an indivudal from pain. Other effects attributed to the therapy include influence over neurotransmitters, or substances transporting nerve impulses; promotion of circulation; and effects over the body’s electrical currents and autonomic nervous system. Many common ailments and undesirable conditions are addressed by acupuncture treatment.

5. Commonly Treated Conditions

– Sinusitis
– The common cold
– Smoking and other addictions
– Migraines
– Tennis elbow
– Infertility
– Menstrual cramps
– Obesity
– Low-back pain
– Asthma
– Arthritis
– Carpal tunnel syndrome

6. Procedure

On the first meeting, acupuncturists usually ask new clients to fill up a personal health record prior to an interview. A session then has the client answer questions that cover main health issues, diet, emotional and psychological profile, and overall lifestyle and regular activities. The therapist should also be informed by the individual of any current medication and treatment being taken. During this interview, one can also expect the practitioner to evaluate pulse points and establish how healthy the individual’s twelve meridians are. A diagnosis is then given, followed by the use of between 6 and 12 needles as treatment is commenced. Patients keen on acupuncture must realize that the exact placement on target points on the meridians is more important, not the number of needles used.

The initial insertion may make the patient feel pricked or stung. However, the treatment should be painless and comfortable for the duration that could extend to an hour or more. An individual should immediately tell the acupuncturist to discontinue if he feels any numbness, discomfort or pain. Variations of the treatment may involve use of herbal medicine – capsules, tablets or tea made from Chinese herbs to boost the therapy. Some practitioners also integrate cupping – a suction effect created with the use of glass cups on the skin, in part to promote blood circulation and continuous qi flow.

7. Rising Popularity

The recent withdrawal of the Vioxx painkiller has raised apprehension over pain relievers available in the market. This concern, combined with statements from the NIH and other government and health organizations that side effects from acupuncture are significantly lower, has made more individuals turn to the treatment, particularly for pain relief. Several studies have also shown how acupuncture has helped patients with osteoarthritis, post-chemotherapy nausea and even depression. Despite all the apparent positive feedback, those considering acupuncture should still consult regular doctors and health-care professionals for advice on their conditions first. If they decide to pursue the treatment, they must make sure that the acupuncturist or practitioner they see is highly-qualified and certified by organizations such as the American Academy of Medical Acupuncturists.

Gaining Popularity And Acceptance

Alternative medicine has been gaining in both popularity and acceptance in recent years. Many cities now have a plethora of shops where a person interested in buying alternative medicines can go to find whatever they are seeking, in addition to being able to take advantage of many alternative medicine services at local practitioners’ offices.

Alternative medicine is simply a way of referencing a type of treatment that is not officially recognized by the medical establishment as a relief or cure. There are literally thousands of practices that fall under this category, and most people would be surprised to find some of the items that either are or were once considered to be against the grain, or categorized as “alternative” medicine.

Not too far back in medical history, doctors did not wash their hands while helping a woman through child labor. The result was thousands of contracted infections and death due to bacterial transfer. Doctors who advocated the practice of hand-washing or warned of unseen microbes were shunned and mocked by their professional peers, and only in the last century has sterilization been a common and then regulated medical practice. It is hard to believe that something we take so much for granted was once considered alternative medicine, but it was so.

In the 21st century, alternative medicine is not as frowned upon by the medical profession as it once was. Treatments such as acupuncture are common, and many other forms of alternative medicine are gaining acceptance. Even watching weekly magazine shows like Dateline on NBC, observers can see radical alternative medicine practitioners curing patients with terminal illnesses to the wonderment of experts. Some are scams to be sure, but some are simply inexplicable, and professionals who witness the events tend not to endorse them, but neither do they dismiss them.

Part of the reason for the increase in acceptance of alternative medicine is the recognition of the powers of the mind over the body. There is increasing evidence that a patient’s attitude can sometimes shape the physical response, and this in part helps to illustrate why alternative medicine is more well received than it used to be. A patient who believes he or she is doing better, often will.

Before going out to walk on coals or ingest an ear tuft of a koala though, it is important to do some research into the practice or practitioner one is considering for advice. Alternative medicine, by its definition, is not regulated and that leaves a lot of room for quacks to take advantage of people’s ills to make a quick buck. Don’t rush into anything, and if it appears shady, do not partake of it.