Natural Home Remedies

At some time or another, we’ve all experienced the effects of sunburn – be it a light burn or a more heavy burn.

Although the sting of regret of inadequate protection (from UV exposure) can be an excellent incentive to plan more carefully on ‘future’ occasions, it’s of little help in soothing the immediate physical sting (i.e. pain) accompanying sunburn.

However if you ‘have’ found yourself having spent a little too much time in the sun, — here are 4 natural home remedies to help ease the pain of sunburn, and assist in the body’s healing process:

1. Cool Milk Compresses: – The fat and lactic acids in milk are known to have soothing qualities for sunburned skin. Soak a soft cloth or cotton gauze in cool whole milk, and dab carefully onto the burned skin. Do this for around 20 minutes, and follow by rinsing off with cool water. (Due to the importance of the milk’s fat content, it’s important that whole milk be used in this treatment).

2. Cool, sugarless tea: – The tannin in tea is the active ingredient here, which helps to soothe and relieve some of the discomfort of sunburned skin. After brewing a big pot of tea, and allowing it to cool completely, slosh the affected areas with a soft sponge or washcloth. As with the vinegar (4), you could also fill a spray bottle, and spray the tea directly on the skin. And don’t throw away the used (cool) teabags. These are especially good for sensitive areas around the eyes – simply place the teabags over your eyes if they feel hot and tired. (If you have ‘St. John’s Wort’, consider using this as it contains cooling properties, which can help tone down some of the heat in your skin, as well as soothing the nerve endings damaged by the sunburn).

3. Aloe Vera: – Aloe Vera is commonly used to treat sunburn. As well as providing soothing relief, it may also assist in the healing process. Apply to the affected areas as needed. Although the gel extracted directly from an aloe Vera plant works best, if you don’t have ready access to one, you may use an ‘over the counter’ Aloe Vera Cream that contains the gel. For this to be effective, just ensure that the cream contains a high concentration of Aloe Vera than it does water or other solutions.

4. Water: – When exposed to the sun, your body loses water and essential body salts. Dehydration occurs when your body loses too much fluid, and begins to reabsorb fluid from the blood and other body tissues. To prevent the consequences of dehydration, increase your fluid intake to ensure you adequately re-hydrate your body for optimum recovery and health.

Sunburn should of course be avoided where possible — particularly as it’s adverse affects not only include damage to the skin, but also the increased risk of skin cancer. Prevention and protection should always be considered the best treatment for sunburn, and will assist in ensuring your optimum long-term health!

DISCLAIMER: These are home remedy tips only, and should not replace your regular health care provider. If in doubt at any time in relation to your sunburn, please seek the appropriate health care assistance.

Easy Ways To Relief Headache

Having headache is annoying and sometimes it is difficult for us to avoid. Mostly when we are under pressure, headache appeared automatically. If it gets worse, we might faint due to the pain we felt.

A headache is a condition of mild to severe pain in the head. It can also attack at our upper back or neck. There are different types of headache, but most of the time headache brought on by stress, too long in front of computer, noise and others.

One of the main causes of headache is tension in the muscles of the neck, scalp and jaw. We usually deal with it by taking some sleep or consume over-the counter aspirin to release our pain. However, can we do this at any place?

Obviously, we cannot sleep at the office or at the mall. In addition, we might run of aspirin when headache strike us.

Do not worry! The easiest way to handle headache and we can do it everywhere is through massage. Massage is the practice of applying pressure or vibration to the soft tissues of the body, to heal injury, relieve psychological stress, manage pain, improve circulation and relieve tension.

When we suffer from headache, we can help ourselves with self-massage. Simple and everybody can do it, either at work or home.

Here are four easy ways in massage to heal our headache.

1. Eyes Area Massage — Close your eyes. Place your middle fingers to your eyes that are above cheekbones. Massage that area gently but firmly in circular motion for 1 minute,

2. Eyes to Nose Massage – Using thumb, go along the underside of eyebrows (along the bone on top of eye socket). Feel where this bone meets the bridge of your nose and eyes and find a point where there is a small indentation. Very gentle pressure, press your thumbs into the points. You can do it four times by holding and press that area for 10 seconds in each press.

3. Neck Massage — Massage a point where you can feel it by moving the middle fingers of your hands to the back of your head and feel the base of your skull. Specially, at the tops of your neck that meets the base of your skull. Massage for a minutes using finger tips gentle in circular movement.

4. Scalp Massage – Let your palms of your hands massage your scalp on the top of your skull for a minute gently.

Once you have done all those massages, start taking a deep breath. Lift your shoulders towards your ears for five to 10 seconds to relief remaining pain, and then let them drop back down into their natural position.

You are going to feel better when you can do that for a couple of times. Your massage will relief your headache and your head will feel less weighty.

Living a Healthy Life

In the fast paced world that we live in it can be easy to neglect our health and wellness. We’re so busy racing through our day to day lives – family, friends, work, social engagements – that we don’t take the time to look after ourselves. It’s really no wonder that so many of us are tired and run down. What are some simple things that we can do to improve our quality of life?

Drink Drink Drink…

You’ve heard it a million times and you’ll probably hear it a million more – drink more water!

Think about it: The human body is 72% water. A 5% drop in fluids creates a 25-30% loss in energy. A 15% drop in fluids causes death! At this point in time 66% of us aren’t drinking enough water, so over half the population isn’t running on all six cylinders to begin with – before things like bad air, bad food and stress take their toll.

It’s not really a difficult thing to remedy. Just drink one glass of water every half hour or so – or 10-12 glasses of water per day – and you’ll notice a huge jump in your energy levels.

Living Food – Loving Life!

A little known fact is that heating food above 116°F destroys much of the nutrient content. Considering that we already aren’t eating enough veggies, that’s a fairly substantial problem. Nutritionists recommend five serves of fresh vegetables per day. How many of us are actually taking that advice?

A great way to get the nutrients found in fresh veggies without spending all day at stove or eating raw celery sticks is to juice your veggies. Make sure that you own a good juicer (some juicers expose vegetables to heat created by friction during juicing, which breaks down important enzymes), grab some fresh vegetables and drink your way to good health. It takes a fraction of the time (there’s no cooking involved, for one thing) and it’s convenient. You can take your juice to work and even give some to the littlies for school lunches!

Wheatgrass in particular is an excellent source of nutrition. It’s high in chlorophyll (sometimes described as ‘plant blood’ because it closely resembles human red blood cell molecules) and has over 100 elements that the body needs. Fresh grains are another excellent source for vitamins and minerals.

Energy In – Energy Out

Exercise is another dirty word for most of us. The thing is, exercise doesn’t have to be horribly time consuming or mind-numbingly boring. There are plenty of options.

Years ago gyms usually offered weight rooms, aerobics classes and maybe a tydro-circuit. Now you can add water aerobics, yoga, pilates, dance-ercise, step classes and a whole range of new workout options.

If you don’t really have the time or money for the gym, or prefer to spend your mornings/nights at home, then try an exercise bike or walker. I’d be lost without my exercise bike – I set it up in front of the television and peddle away merrily during my favourite shows.

If, like me, you suffer from illness or injury or your level of fitness is quite low, you might like to consider some invaluable advice that I got from my doctor:

Once you’re physically unfit, and particularly if you’re also unwell, it can be a mammoth battle to just do the most minimal amount of exercise in a day. The danger is that inactivity leads to further loss of energy, which becomes a self-perpetuating cycle until you can barely get off the couch.

An excellent way to get back into a physical routine is to start slowly. Ridiculously slowly, it may seem. For the first couple of weeks, walk/ride for 5 minutes per day – exactly 5 minutes, no more, even if you think you could continue. When the 2 weeks are up, increase to 7 minutes, then 10 minutes, 12 minutes… continue to gradually increase your activity until you’re at a level that you’re comfortable with.

It may sound a little silly, but it works. In effect, you trick your body into producing more energy. You’re building your exercise time up so slowly that your body doesn’t really realise what’s happening. Follow this method and, before you know it, you’ll be comfortably exercising within your limits every day.

So, folks, that’s the basics. If you can rearrange your life a little to allow for better eating habits and a little exercise, and if you remember to just drink a glass of water every half hour or so, you’ll be well on the way to living a healthy life. On a final note, don’t forget to take some quiet time for yourself. Meditating is an excellent way to minimise stress. You don’t have to sit around for hours, just give yourself 5 minutes of quiet time every day – even in the shower, if that’s the only place where you can get time out – and have a little catch up with yourself.

And, last but by no means least, laugh! In fact, laugh like a loon – the louder the better! You’ll be amazed at how much such a simple thing can lift your spirits!

Dreadful Superstition Grips America

A terrible superstition holds people around the world in its grip. Ministers of religion, lawyers, architects, men renowned as brilliant scientists, physicians (particularly, physicians), University professors, middle class people, working class people, people of all nationalities, are its victims.

I was one for 43 years. I really and truly thought that what my doctor said was gospel and never questioned him.

What is this superstition? It is that health may be obtained and maintained and diseases “cured” by drugs, medicines and remedies. They have not taken the pains to investigate, in an unprejudiced manner, this absurd and dreadful belief.

So what we have is physician, nurses and drug stores (by the way we do not have “drug stores” any more. They call themselves “Pharmacies” I just checked the phone book.) Other medical specialists all engaging in these false hopes.

Frightful suffering and bereavement are the common lot of mankind, except for the few who have released themselves from this superstition.

I consider myself lined up with Natural Hygienists and Naturopathic doctors and we feel it is simply amazing that the simple facts of which we have can be ignored so generally. And that people offer themselves as sacrifices to this great superstition.

When a theory of health is presented of the ways and means to “Cure” something or they are going to “find a cure, so give us more money” these stories are heralded as a great triumph of “science”

Yet the first principles of science are violated right in the beginning and in the entirety of such a theory.

If an articles is written which lays down in simple words the rules of health, means by which diseases can be obviated and recovery from diseases can take place, very few orthodox journals of high circulation will print it.

An example is in 1980 when after suffering for 43 years with arthritis and in weeks I was free of the debilitating disease; I took my book to the Regional meeting of the Arthritis Foundation. I was so thrilled to think that with this book they could fulfill their promise that if we send them more money they will find a cure.

What a disaster. My husband dropped me off at the hotel entrance and went to park the car. When he got to the entrance he found two uniformed guards walking me out. Bodily.

We were stunned. They told me they did not want that sort of book at their meeting.

Since then I have over 310,000 copies around the world and get calls and emails daily thanking me for changing their lives.

So it is mainly to people, like myself, who believe as natural hygienists believe, to spread the word. In 1980 there were about 6500 hundred doctors who were telling their patients that what I am saying here is true. Two of them are named in my book “I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too”. Today in 2006 there are thousands more.

To us it is amazingly simple.

Eat the truly good food, breathe good air, drink pure water, exercise, maintain optimistic and pleasant thoughts, and therefore enjoy fantastic health. Give our cells the proper nutrition and our immune systems will become as God gave us in the first place. Our immune system will then rebuild our body and we will enjoy the freedom of no illnesses.

There are now millions who are beginning to rebel against what we might almost call the atrocities suffered as a consequence of this superstition.

Many who are ill and are being subjected to the remedies and poisons that are administered to them. Drugs in large containers have the skull and crossbones on them but when we get the little bottles as “prescriptions it is not there.

My mother was told in the 30’s to use an aluminum type product as a cheap deodorant. She did and I believe it was a contributing factor in the way she changed in later years. Aluminum is causing Alzheimer’s.

While drugs may get immediate temporary relief, you will feel and know that the disease is becoming more and more serious.

I do not have final figures but look around. In the early years of 1900 it was almost unknown to have heart troubles. They did not spend time on it in medical schools. All the major diseases of today, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, the list goes on and none were minor. In 1960 one in 20 had arthritis. Now it is 1 in 3

Same with cancer. Now children are commonly getting it. Heart troubles are killing us faster than ever. I will try to find these figures.

The Untied States is way down in the world as a healthy nation. Have you ever known of so many people with so many health issues? Baby boomers are filling our hospitals with more sickness.

I take my son to the VA hospital due to his Vietnam days and see people his age in terrible condition. Amputees from diabetes, overweight everywhere.

I have felt since 1980 that I have a duty to tell people the other side. I have done lectures and TV and radio. I now do this newsletter. I get people asking me to unsubscribe them due to my teachings.

My phone rings daily with people calling, crying, telling me of the 5, 6, 8 different drugs they are taking. Although they call them prescriptions. I ask each and every one of them to get the hand out from their “Pharmacy” of every drug they are taking and read them to the last page.

Then have a good talk with their doctors.

What do I preach in just one paragraph?

Give your body what it needs in minerals, vitamins and enzymes and exercise, drink pure water, let no negative thoughts or people into their lives and feed our cells to let our immune system take over the job that God meant it to do.

Which is to be in a state of health.

If our immune system is not getting the proper nutrition we are in trouble.

Will this happen overnight? No, You cannot stop taking the drugs you are on without the consent and help of your doctor. Too many side effects can occur.

You did not get in the condition you are in overnight. You will not get into a state of health over night. But start now and by summer or sooner you will not know yourself.

Start promoting healthy cellular replication, get strong muscles, have clear breathing, increased energy levels and have body fitness.

Get supplements that are advanced Nutraceutical supplements. Make an impact on your health today. Feel the results and get VIBRANT HEALTH.

Take heed of what the Bible teaches of food. Mainly moderation in all things.

Stop this insane habit of all cooked foods and foods pre-made. We have gotten into the habit of fast is better. Fast is not better. It costs more in dollars when you buy it and cost thousands in medical bills later on.

Print this in your sub consigns mind. “I am the one responsible for what I eat and drink and do. I am the one who can make changes so I may live, play and have a happy, illness free life”.

If you help yourself to this attitude you will be doing your doctor a big favor. He is overworked and struggling to help.

Stop looking for a magic bullet. There is NONE.

I getup every morning thankful for my health. And my state of mind and for the love of my family. I look forward to each day with joy.

I look at problems as they come up as just a problem that needs a solution.

I work on the solution. If I cannot fix it or change it I have a mental box that I put these things in and I lock it.

I allow nothing negative into my space. If a negative thought pops in I chase it our.

Can you do this? Of course. Let me know how this changes your life.

I am here to help You, help Yourself enjoy a Healthier and Happier Life Style.

Best of Health,
Margie „The Arthritis Lady“

pH miracle diet critics

When something becomes popular, it invites criticism from other sources. The recently popular pH miracle diet is no different. As the program has gained followers, it has gained just as much criticism from different individuals.

The main criticism of the diet is that it encourages people to become vegetarians and vegans. Critics say that this diet, particularly with its omission of dairy products (a vegetarian protein source), is dangerously low in protein. However, this criticism comes from the common misconception that humans need massive amounts of protein. The recent popularity of low-carb diets (which are really just high-protein diets) has re-cemented this myth in the mind of many people. Health has become equivalent with eating red meat and dairy.

However, there are many sources of natural and healthy proteins that don’t have the harmful acidic effects of red meat and dairy products. The truth is, most people get too much protein and not too little. Women require about 45 grams of protein per day, and men need 55 grams. Once single cup of tofu (which is acceptable on the pH miracle diet) contains 20 grams of protein. Beans contain at least 8 grams of protein per half cup. So it is really quite easy to get enough protein on a vegetarian diet.

Another criticism related to this issue is calcium. Many people equate drinking milk with strong bones. However, American women consume an average of two pounds of milk per day and yet 30 million of them develop osteoporosis. If drinking milk helped make bones stronger, then the opposite would be true. A study conducted by Cornell-trained nutritionist Amy Joy Lanou showed that there was no specific link between dairy products and bone health in children and young adults. There are plenty of sources of calcium available in the alkalizing food categories that will provide protection against osteoporosis.

Many critics also claim that the emphasis on vegetables and fresh foods is the real reason behind the success that people receive from the diet. The pH miracle diet suggests eating almost 70 percent vegetables and acceptable fruits. At this level, whether you are eating alkalizing foods or not, anyone will have an improvement in health. Critics disregard the importance of the pH balance of the diet.

However, there have been many people who have experienced great results after eliminating wheat, an acidic food. Wheat is not a food that one normally associates with ill health, however, eliminating wheat has been a godsend to many people who have suffered the symptoms of over-acidified diets. The amount of alkalizing vegetables in the diet will definitely do anybody good, whether or not they take the rest of the diet to heart. By eating from the list of alkaline foods, you will be improving your health no matter how strict you are on the diet.

This leads to another popular criticism of the book. Many people claim that the pH miracle diet program is too strict for daily life. The elimination of common foods like animal protein, milk and wheat seems overwhelming for people. They cannot fathom going through a whole day without eating something from one of these foods groups. The idea of sticking to a diet that is primarily plant based seems too rigid and strict. However, many people who use the pH miracle diet have seen beneficial results without being 100% strict with the rules of the diet.

Like with many other diets, the pH miracle diet outlines steps toward better health. The emphasis here is on steps. It is unreasonable to expect anyone to do a complete 180-degree change in his or her eating habits overnight. Taking a slower approach to changing your diet will create longer and more successful results. If the diet is followed word for word, it is difficult at first because people are so used to eating a certain way. With time and practice though, you can move toward better health and a more pH balanced diet.

pH miracle diet basics

The pH Miracle diet is the newest phenomenon to strike the dieting world. Health experts have noticed that popular diets seem to go in waves. While the 90s were marked by the low-fat diet craze, the last six to seven years have been focused on low-carbohydrate diets like Atkins, the South Beach Diet, Protein Power and Sugarbusters. As people become frustrated with each type of diet, they look for something new to try. The pH Miracle diet is the focus of a lot of new interest.

The pH miracle diet is so appealing to people because it is a complete 180-degree turn from the high-protein, low carbohydrate diets of the past few years. The pH Miracle diet, also called the alkaline diet or the Young Diet, after its creator Robert Young, has a totally different approach to nutrition. Many holistic doctors and nutritionists see it as a more balanced approach to nutrition that takes the body’s true needs into account.

Basically, the human body has a pH that is slightly alkaline. The theory is that since the human body runs at this pH, our diet should be comprised of mostly alkaline foods. The standard American diet has many foods that are considered acidic, such as animal protein, sugar, caffeine and packaged foods. All of these foods disrupt the pH balance of the body and cause a whole host of problems. The proponents of the pH Miracle diet say that all of these acidic foods actually disrupt the body’s use of alkaline minerals. These minerals include sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium, which make people prone to chronic diseases.

This is the real crux of the importance of the pH diet. The nutrition and health community has come to realize that what a person puts into their body has a profound effect on their overall health. Although the mainstream medical community has emphasized a balanced diet including fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy products, the pH diet takes this a step further. It points out that the acidic foods actually rob your body of essential minerals. Those who follow the pH miracle diet are avoiding foods that can be disastrous to their health.

Many of the foods that we eat commonly are considered no-nos on the pH miracle diet. One of the most surprising omissions is the absence of wheat products. The FDA recommends whole-wheat products for better health. Yet according the pH diet, grains like wheat, millet, oats and rice are acidic and harmful. The alkaline grains of buckwheat, quinoa and spelt are favored for their alkalizing benefits.

Generally, all meats and dairy are omitted on the pH Miracle diet. If you’re worried about protein, goat milk is slightly alkaline. There is also protein provided from vegetarian options like beans, tofu and certain nuts and seeds. Most vegetables have alkalizing effects, except for mushrooms. Fruits are limited to coconut, grapefruit, lemon and lime.

Those that have tried the pH miracle diet say that they feel massive effects on their health within the first few weeks. Lowering the intake of processed foods and eating more vegetables is good health advice for everyone, whether or not they follow the specifications of this particular diet. In fact, this has been one of the major criticisms of the pH miracle diet. Opponents say that if people are already eating fresh foods and drinking plenty of water, then the diet will have no effect. They disregard the acid/alkaline balance theory.

Another important thing to consider is that there has been no scientific testing of the theories behind the pH miracle diet. Also, many conventional medical doctors see no benefit to the program. However, the principles behind the diet are based on holistic medicine and Chinese medicine, which have been around for centuries. The ph Miracle diet principles are currently being studies at John Hopkins’s university and by Dr. Neil Solomon of the United Nations. Soon the critics may have to re-evaluate their stance on the diet’s scientific basis.

pH and energy levels

Did you know that your blood has a pH level? pH is the measurement of how acid or alkaline something is. The pH level scale runs from 1 to 14 with 1 serving as “very acidic” 7 being “neutral” and 14 being “very alkaline”. In fact your bloodstream goes to great lengths to maintain a pH level of 7.35 to 7.45, slightly alkaline. Why is this important? Among many reasons why your body strives for this balance starts with your energy level. The pH miracle diet will help balance your body and increase your energy.

Have you ever put low quality fuel into your car after running it on premium fuel? There is a difference in acceleration, handling, and overall performance and this is directly linked to the quality of fuel you put in the tank. Your body is a finely tuned machine. Like other types of machinery, the parts need to be kept running by fuel. The best fuel for your body is a custom mix, more alkaline than acid. What difference does this make?

It all starts in the bloodstream. Think of the bloodstream as a superhighway with stops all over the body. Red blood cells are the commuting traffic riding along the bloodstream in a hurry to get to work. These red blood cells each have a negative charge on them, and this keeps them from getting into fender benders and collisions in the bloodstream. When the negative charge is stripped away from the red blood cells, they cluster together and can cause gridlock and bottlenecks in the bloodstream. In short, the traffic in the bloodstream isn’t flowing as smoothly and it causes everything to slow down. If you’ve ever been stuck in freeway traffic you know how frustrating this is.

This stress on the body causes a domino effect, which eventually saps the energy away and makes you tired and sluggish. Acid is the culprit in the bloodstream traffic jam. When acid is introduced into the bloodstream it eats away at the negative charge that surrounds each red blood cell and causes all sorts of problems. How can you avoid this? The answer is quite simple and it starts with what you put in your stomach. Red blood cells are created by the food that you eat. When the stomach works on digesting food, it leaves behind natural acidic waste. Your body eliminates this waste through your urine and sweat, but there comes a point when the waste build up is too great to eliminate.

What does your body do with all of the acidic waste it can’t get rid off? The answer is quite shocking, it stores it in your body! The cells in your body are mostly alkaline and this acid waste starts to attack and destroy these cells. A lot of energy is expelled keeping the waste from doing detrimental damage to your body, but this fight can only go on for so long. Eventually the build up is so great that the cells deteriorate and cause energy depletion and leaves the body open to disease.

How can you avoid this slow death? A higher energy level helps to fend off opportunistic diseases and ensures strong cellular regeneration. Making changes to your diet is a huge step in reversing this breakdown of your body while boosting your energy level. The choices you make in what you eat will greatly determine how much of this acidic waste gets stored in your body. The more alkaline your food choices are the less of this waste will be accumulated in your body, tipping the balance in the favor of good health.

The old adage “you are what you eat” is absolutely true. By controlling the amounts of alkaline food you ingest you are giving your body a fighting chance. Find books and lists that outline which foods are alkaline and which ones are acidic. By limiting your intake of acidic foods and increasing your intake of alkaline food with the pH miracle diet you can increase your stamina, endurance, and the overall performance of your body machine.

Zinc Effect On Acne

There are many different vitamins with which a vitamin deficiency of them can lead to acne problems. One such vitamin is Zinc. Zinc is one of the most important vitamins when attempting to fight and prevent acne due to its many uses and how important it is to the body and the skin. A vitamin deficiency in Zinc alone can cause acne breakouts and therefore maintaining healthy amounts of Zinc in one’s everyday diet is very important for those looking to either combat their current acne problem or to help prevent a future one.

Zinc acts as an antioxidant and this is one primary reason why it is so helpful against acne. Antioxidants help to clear the body of toxins and free radicals. These can cause various problems in different areas of the body, and in the skin these can lead to pimples and acne breakouts. Keeping the skin, the largest organ in the body, clear is only too important. Zinc helps to keep the skin clear and healthy and prevent the build-up of these toxins and free radicals, therefore being proactive and helping to prevent acne breakouts altogether.

Zinc is also proactive in the way that it regulates the oil glands. Although what exactly causes pimples is not known, it is known that the sebum excreted from the oil glands plays a big part in the formation of the pimples. Proper oil regulation can lead to fewer and smaller pimples and helps to prevent them from spreading once they do occur. The advantage here is clear and shows why Zinc can help to stop acne before it starts.

Once acne has occurred, Zinc is extremely important due to it being involved in healing tissue and preventing scarring. Those nasty acne scars that result from acne can be healed and prevented when proper amounts of Zinc are present in the body. Acne causes numerous problems and damages the skin in many ways and Zinc helps to heal this damage and keep the scarring to a minimal level.

Zinc also promotes a healthy immune system and helps in the healing of wounds, to top it off. A healthy immune system also lends a hand to preventing acne and Zinc helps to maintain that healthy immune system in a variety of ways. This is just icing on the cake for those who decide to take Zinc to help with their acne since taking Zinc will also make their immune systems that much healthier and perform that much better.

As is readily seen, the advantages of Zinc in the body, both in how it is necessary to fight and prevent acne and due to it being active in maintaining a healthy immune system, are numerous. A Zinc deficiency can be a leading cause of acne and therefore it is necessary for anyone looking to prevent future acne breakouts to look to consume healthy amounts of Zinc each and every day.

Why wasn’t I told this about acne as a teenager

I don’t know if it was puberty or hormonal upheaval but friends I do know this, my teenage years were miserable because of one thing: Acne.

Well, based on what some people say about Positive thinking and all, I guess I allowed it to have too much control over me. However, at that age, how the heck was I to know about all that? Moreover, with bumps, bumps and more bumps all over my face, it was kind of hard you know. I doubt if any girl would have wanted to kiss a guy with a big red bump nestled on his lip today or his nose the next.

Needless to say those were sad years and had I known then what I know now about acne, folks, it would have been a different story. Either way it goes, I still come across helpless and understandably sad teenagers almost on a daily basis so if it helps any: if you are a teenager or know of a teenager who is plagued with pimples, here are a few tips that should help you cure your acne in no time.

1. First and foremost, I care not what some sites and product endorsers say about how diet doesn’t affect acne; you have got to make a change in your eating habits, plain and simple. You are what you eat. If you want to have clearer skin and the added bonus of improved health, of course eating right will be essential. That said: Fruits and vegetables friends. Shop more in the produce aisle and steer clear of the snack stands at the cash register. I know it may sound boring for a teenager but trust me, it’s worth the sacrifice and this forms the basis of an internal acne treatment right there from its root cause.

2.For external acne-care, you could learn such simple tips as facial massaging and exercises. However, (now I’m speaking from what I went through and believe me I had acne BAD…) simply washing your face with nothing but clean hands and plain cool water may perhaps be the most efficient way to clean the pores. Combined with the facial massaging and occasional steaming of the face, this will be very sufficient to clean the skin.

3. Change your pillowcases daily and make sure you have a towel exclusively for your face or you could employ the use of paper towels.

4. If you use greasy hair-products, shampoo the hair before retiring or at least use a clean do-rag to hinder the introduction of oily substances to the pillowcase and inevitably your face while asleep.

5. On that subject, try to also sleep on the right side. Besides checking against contaminations getting on the face, this is great for the heart and lungs and allows for a better and restful sleep (which co-incidentally helps with controlling acne.)

6. Deal with stressful situations amicably. This is another topic into itself but briefly these work: Proper diet (factor #1), proper thinking habits and exercise.

For stress, allow me to mention Yoga-don’t have the space to explain why, but friends, with its sun-exercises and its derivative, Hindu push-ups, Yoga is awesome for stress-relief. Moreover, for teenagers who are more likely to engage in sports and other recreational activities, you’ll be getting the added advantage of improving your fitness levels and with your own body weight at that.

Boy, had I known of some of these in my time. Well, don’t let the story of my teenage years be yours, a sad one because of one thing-Acne.

With the tips above, I can confidently assure you it won’t be the case.
Just remember you owe me and my payment is to pass it on to your friends if they need it. (I want every teen with acne to know of this…chuckle)

Here’s to a clearer skin naturally.

Why Use Acne Medicine

Many people have to deal with acne. This very annoying problem can happen to anyone at anytime in his or her life. Acne is the clogging of pores. They are often times called pimples and can occur on the face, neck, back any many other parts of the body. Acne is some thing that is more common to be found in teenagers and adolescents. It is not restricted to any certain age group and can be found to be a problem for many adults as well.

Having one or two pimples may not be a problem for most people. It is when ‘there is a group of acne’ lurking on your face and body that is uncontrollable. Many people are very self-conscious about their acne problem. It can be hard for anyone to deal with if the problem persists and is out of control.

Using acne medicine is just one way that you can get an acne problem under control. There are many medicines out there on the market for people to purchase. Many of the over the counter acne medicines work just fine. These medications can be used for most people of any age and will resolve the problem with in a few weeks.

There are creams, gels, and even tablets that can help with an acne problem. Many people will find that using the ointments as soon as they see the pimples start to appear will find that the medicine will help the problem. However, some people have to get a prescription for their acne problem in order to get it under control.

The main thing to remember is to keep your face clean. You must use a good cleanser and a good moisturizer in order to keep your face free and clear from any blemishes. You can use many of the toners and cleansers sold in the stores today. Some of the cleaners even have special ingredients in them to clear up or keep away pimples.

Many of the acne medicines on the market are designed to help heal and conceal the blemish. You can find many of the creams out there to be tinted to match your skin tone. This will help to hide the pimple while the acne medicine is helping to heal it. You will feel more confident and at ease when you do not have to worry about showing the world your pimple.

When you eat a good diet, drink plenty of water, cleanse well, and use the right acne medicine, you will have a better complexion and be more confident in the way that you look. It is never too late to take care of your skin and you can improve the way you look and feel.

Why The Best Acne Treatment May Be a Change in Diet

Western medicine is notoriously sophisticated when it comes to drug formulations and targeted medicine approached from a perspective based in deductive science. It has, however, been largely a failure when it comes to being open to solutions to medical problems which come from outside the realm of deductive science. That is why for years western medicine failed to draw ties between diet and acne. Medical development, and treatments for acne sufferers, has progressed significantly within the last 15 years alone. Yet the problem of acne has remained largely uncurbed, until recently.

In the past few years empirical studies first trickled and are now flooding in indicating that there are links between acne and diet. The basic premise of the research is that eating refined carbohydrates and sugar is the ultimate culprit for many individuals’ problems with acne. The scientific theory holds that when carbohydrates and sugar are metabolized they lead to an increase in insulin and an insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1 production. This growth factor then causes male hormones to begin being produced in the body in much greater quantities. These growth hormones lead directly to an increase the amount of sebum produced. Sebum is the grease-like substance that comes out in your pores which people often describe as ‘oily skin’. Sebum then clogs your pores and ultimately causes to an accumulation of bacteria in those pores which cannot escape because of the sebum. This of course ultimately leads to acne.

That rather exhaustive explanation explains simply this; when you consume refined carbohydrates and sugars you may aggravate your skin, clog your pores, and develop acne.

So, what is the answer? Not surprisingly, it may be to cut back on sugars and refined carbs such as sweets and pastas. These foods provide us with very few of the nutrients we need while providing us with a great deal more by way of clogged pores. In fact, recent studies are showing that these foods may be so bad for you that your body actually fights them like it does a disease, through the production of white blood cells. Not only do these white blood cell expenditures temporarily lower your immune system, but they also cause your body to produce more waste, some of which is exuded through your pores.

But it may surprise you to know that giving up chocolate and spaghetti may not be the only way to go about getting clearer skin. Rather, there are a number of foods, in particular raw vegetables and antioxidants which can actively clear up skin. These foods act as a sort of mop within the body to soak up toxins, also known as free radicals, which are often expelled as bacteria through the skin.

So in effect, following a better diet can attack the problem of acne in two different ways, cutting back on sugars and refined carbs will cause your body to produce less of the pore clogging sebum, while increasing your intake of certain raw vegetables will significantly cut down on the amount of bacteria which is exuded through your pores. Combined, these two techniques will cut down significantly your propensity to suffer acne.

Why I Swore off Acne Medications

There are over 50 million people in America alone who suffer from acne and sadly this permits for exploitation from the many marketers and impostors out to make a fast buck at the expense of the vulnerable and desperate.

Now, I was once in the category of the frantic and susceptible, in my desperate attempts to get rid of my acne-both as a teenager and a young adult- but not anymore.

After adopting the use of drug-free methods of curing my acne such as a drastic change in my diet, facial massaging and other basic hygienic steps such as changing my pillow-cases daily, having a towel that was exclusively for my face etc, I have since swore off the use of acne medications as I am of the firm belief that most don’t work and may actually aggravate an already debilitating situation.

Now friends, I tried it all (well everything except plastic surgery) Proactive, Clearasil, Neutrogena, Benzoyl peroxide medications…you name it, I tried it and from my experience, nothing worked.

One product would probably just dry my skin out that I’d literally have to rotate my jaw just to get elasticity back in my face; while the other would so irritate my skin, I’d have to be so careful not to even touch it.

Moreover, thinking about the time I spent and wasted using these products actually makes me laugh.

For one I had to use a cleanser, then the mask (10-15 minutes for this one folks) and afterwards a toner and ‘concealer’? Now, keep in mind, I’m a guy and no, I’m not in show-business.

Let’s take a look at some other popular products like Adapalene gel (Differin), Clindamycin phosphate (Cleocin T), Azelic acid (Azelex), Tretinoin.

Friends, most people-like I did -develop side effects from using prescription topical acne remedy medications. These include stinging, burning, redness, peeling, scaling, or discoloration of the skin. Hey, aren’t we trying to get a smoother skin here…?!

In addition, when I was prescribed tetracycline and minocycline, both on different occasions by a dermatologist for oral medication, I had to deal with upset stomach, dizziness and lightheadedness which usually kicked in within minutes after use.

Moreover, I was told I’d have to take oral antibiotics for as long as 4 to 6 months for an effective acne treatment! 4-6 months…?! Now I don’t know about you, but that is an awfully long time to wait for an acne remedy to work, especially when a natural inexpensive alternative for the treatment of acne could give you the same results in less than 7 to 10 days when done properly.

Thankfully my acne has since gone and though I mentioned I wasn’t in show business above, maybe I’d give it a shot eh? That’s how improved my skin condition is and how much more confident I feel and this is from a guy who loathed and cringed to have his picture taken or to even step out from his room.

We all differ, so if you’ve had success from acne medications, by all means feel free to use them, however, if like the majority you have had no success with the wide range of so called acne remedies then why not try alternative methods of clearing up your skin. It worked for me and chances are it can work for you.

Here’s to a clearer skin naturally.

Who Should Use Acne Medication

Anyone can have acne and it is a painful and embarrassing problem for most people. There are ways to treat it so that no one has to deal with this uncomfortable appearance that makes him or her self-conscious all of the time. For some people they are just entering their teenage years and there are others who have been dealing with acne for most of their adult lives.

There are so many forms of acne medication out there to choose from. There are different skin needs and it is important to recognize all of the different types of acne and what the needs for it are. There are so many over the counter products that can help treat acne for just about anyone.

Anyone can get acne at any stage in his or her life. There are many things that can cause acne and that are why it may be necessary for someone to get different forms of acne medication for their problem. There are different ways to handle the different kinds of acne and at different stages that it occurs. With the right help, you will have a good result in the end.

As with most things, acne has a beginning, middle and end. It is a skin condition and the best time for acne medication is at the beginning stages. In the early stages of acne, the pores will enlarge and create thick oils. They will fill up with black and white matter and this will result in a black head. This is the part that will cause the acne and needs to be taking care of at once. The dead skin needs to be exfoliated and removed.

There are many different kinds of creams and gels to use as a form of acne medication that you can find in the stores. You may find that these treatments work, or you may have to take it one step further and get a dermatologist to assist you with your skin. When this is the case, you may be prescribed some form of ointment or you may have to go through a form of therapy to get your acne under control.

If you go through therapy for your acne, you will find that there are a lot of different things to try. There are chemical peels, scrubs, and even electrical programs that may help you find relief from this acne problem.

It may take some work, but with enough information and some research, you will find the right acne medication that will help you get your skin looking clear and pure and give you the self-confidence that you deserve.

Which Acne Treatments Work

If you are considering starting your own home business, one of the first things you must think about is budgeting and planning to find the money you need. You can start the planning process from your kitchen table if necessary. You’ll need a telephone with an answering machine to handle calls while you’re budgeting and planning. It is important that you project a favorable image. So in addition to the phone, you will need good quality business cards, which should include your name, the company name, phone number, web site and e-mail address. A computer with appropriate software is a necessity for internet marketers. A calculator and a file cabinet would be nice but can wait a while.

Once you are organized and have an internet marketing plan, your next move will be to begin your home business budgeting and planning to find the money you need to get started. Once you get the word out that you are ready to open your business, you can begin to try to locate a source to provide the capital you need. Some internet marketers build a successful business with no start-up money, but in general you will need at least a small amount of money to get started.

There are many individuals who are willing to invest in small internet marketing venture. Their willingness to invest depends upon the likelihood of your success, so be sure you explore all the options and choose your type of online business wisely. An investor is, after all, in business for the same reason you are, which is to make money. You can begin by advertising, personally contacting investors who want to make a profit during the process of lending you money. The old saying, „if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,“ applies here because if one lender is not willing to lend you money, chances are someone else will.

The more you advertise your services, the more likely you are to find the money you need as indicated by your budgeting and planning process. One way to begin is to run an advertisement in the „Investors Wanted“ column in the classified section of a local newspaper. It might read like this: „Money needed internet marketing venture. Call 555-555-5555.“

You should run your ad as often as you can in all the newspapers in your area for at least a month if you can afford it. The money for these ads will come out of the advertising budget that you created during the budgeting and planning process. This budgeting and planning for your home business is necessary in order to for you to find the money you need to become a successful internet marketer.

An additional or alternative ad could be run simultaneously with the other ads you are running. The purposes of these dual ads will be to reach as many potential investors as possible. You will possibly attract more than one investor, which will enable you to compare their terms and repayment options.

When you place your ads, you can list them under any or all of the following categories in the classified section: „Business Opportunities Wanted; „Financial & Loans Wanted;“ or „Money to Loan.“ When you have responses to your ads, it is time to set up individual meetings with the potential lender. Your home business and budget planning, if done properly, can result in finding the money you need to become a successful and highly profitable internet marketer.

Wichtige Tipps für den Yoga Erfolg

Yoga lindert nachweislich Stress durch Übungen, die Geist, Körper und Seele vereinen. Wenn Sie neu im Yoga sind, werden diese sieben Tipps Sie auf den Weg zu einem zentrierteren Leben bringen.

1. Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt und erklären Sie, welche Art von Yoga Sie praktizieren möchten. Zeigen Sie Ihrem Arzt zur Veranschaulichung Bilder der Posen. Ihr Arzt kann bestimmte Posen ausschließen, wenn Sie an Bluthochdruck, Glaukom, Netzhautablösung in der Vorgeschichte oder Herzerkrankungen leiden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Empfehlungen Ihres Arztes befolgen.
2. Finden Sie einen Yoga-Kurs, der Ihren Fähigkeiten am besten entspricht. Sprechen Sie mit angehenden Lehrern und entscheiden Sie, ob Sie ein Programm bearbeiten können, bevor Sie sich anmelden. Es ist sehr wichtig, dass Sie Schritt für Schritt vorgehen. Probieren Sie ein paar Anfängerkurse aus, bevor Sie kräftigere Kurse besuchen. Fahren Sie nicht zu schnell voran. Erlauben Sie Ihrem Körper, sich an Ihre Übungen anzupassen.

3. Hören Sie auf Ihren Körper und achten Sie auf Ihre körperlichen Fähigkeiten. Du willst dich nicht verletzen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Kursleiter Ihre Erfahrung und eventuelle Einschränkungen versteht. Lassen Sie sich nicht zu schnell vorantreiben. Denken Sie daran, dies soll Spaß machen und entspannend sein.

4. Wenn Sie keinen Kurs finden, der Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht, können Sie Yoga immer zu Hause praktizieren. Es gibt viele Bücher, Programme und Bänder, die Ihnen den Einstieg erleichtern. Suchen Sie im Internet nach den besten Produkten und lesen Sie Rezensionen. Sprechen Sie mit anderen, um Empfehlungen zu erhalten.

5. Warum nicht Privatstunden versuchen? Sie können Einzelunterricht bei einem Lehrer in Ihrer Nähe buchen. Die meisten Yogalehrer bieten Privatunterricht an oder können Ihnen bei der Gestaltung Ihres eigenen Programms behilflich sein. Dies ist ein guter Einstieg. Sie können jederzeit Gruppenstunden nehmen oder zu Hause üben, nachdem Sie Privatstunden gehabt und die Grundlagen erlernt haben.

6. Finden Sie einen Yoga-Kumpel. Es ist schön, mit jemandem zu üben, und es hilft, Verletzungen zu reduzieren. Es ist auch eine großartige Möglichkeit, Ihre Begeisterung und Ihr Interesse aufrechtzuerhalten.

7. Vor dem Üben leicht essen. Warten Sie mindestens zwei Stunden nach dem Essen, bevor Sie mit dem Yoga beginnen oder üben. Ein leerer Magen ist am besten, aber lassen Sie sich nicht zu hungrig werden, um nachzudenken. Sie können sich nicht auf die Posen konzentrieren oder sich bei den Entspannungs- oder Meditationsübungen amüsieren.

Jetzt ist es Zeit, sich Ihre Matte und ein Handtuch zu schnappen und das Beste aus Ihren Yoga-Übungen herauszuholen.

Gefährlicher Chat

Die drei !!!, 3, Gefährlicher Chat (drei Ausrufezeichen)
von Henriette Wich und Ina Biber

Welche Gefahr kann schon von einem Chat ausgehen? Franziska jedenfalls findet die Leute, die sich dort über Inlineskating austauschen, sehr nett und witzig. Dann aber geschehen höchst merkwürdige Dinge – und die drei !!! müssen ihr ganzes detektivisches Wissen anwenden, um diesen kniffligen Fall zu lösen. Neben der spannenden Detektivarbeit müssen Kim, Franzi und Marie auch immer wieder das Abenteuer „Freundschaft“ bestehen. Es ist nämlich gar nicht so leicht, drei völlig verschiedene Meinungen unter einen Hut zu bringen. Mutig und clever stellen sich die drei !!! der Herausforderung und sind gemeinsam ein unschlagbares Team!

Liebe auf den ersten Chat

von Barbara Leciejewski

Ein spritziger und wunderschöner Liebesroman, der an einem Ort spielt, der nicht moderner sein könnte: dem Internet!
Wenn LadyChatterley und MrNiceGuy sich in den Chatroom einloggen, wahren beide ihre Anonymität. Online können sie der Realität entfliehen und sie selbst sein. Eine tiefe Freundschaft entsteht zwischen den beiden, obwohl sie sich in der Realität nicht kennen.
Im realen Leben ist LadyChatterley Charlotte, eine unscheinbare Leseratte, die in einer Buchhandlung in München arbeitet und für ihr großes Idol, den Schauspieler Jonas schwärmt. Durch einen Zufall kommt sie zu der Ehre, ihren Schwarm persönlich kennenlernen zu dürfen und stellt fest, dass er bodenständig und wirklich der Mann ihrer Träume ist.
Kann die Liebe zwischen dem schüchternen Bücherwurm und dem begehrten Schauspielstar wirklich entflammen? Doch wer ist eigentlich MrNiceGuy und welche Rolle spielt er im Film ihres Lebens?
»Liebe auf den ersten Chat« von Barbara Lecjewski ist ein eBook von feelings*emotional eBooks. Mehr von uns ausgewählte erotische, romantische, prickelnde, herzbeglückende eBooks findest Du auf unserer Facebook-Seite. Genieße jede Woche eine neue Geschichte – wir freuen uns auf Dich!

E Mail als Kommunikationsform

Von Textsorten, personaler Distanziertheit und Plauderei
von Matthias Sühl

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Deutsch – Pädagogik, Didaktik, Sprachwissenschaft, Note: 1,3, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald (Institut für Deutsche Philologie), Veranstaltung: Medienwandel und Textsortenwandel, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Nachricht You`ve Got Mail (in deutschen Haushalten: Sie haben Post) stand in den ausklingenden Neunzigerjahren nicht nur für die computergenerierte Sprache eines großen Internetanbieters sowie die damit verbundene Auffüllung eines elektronischen Postfaches, ebenso erfüllte sie in Hollywood eine bisher nicht dagewesene Produktplatzierung. Die bis dato für viele Menschen neuartige Kommunikationsform E-Mail drang in der gleichnamigen Filmproduktion anstelle des Briefverkehrs der künstlerischen Vorlage in den Mittelpunkt und nahm somit einen weiteren wichtigen Schritt, um sich in der Gesellschaft zu etablieren.[…]
Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt an das Hauptseminar zum Medien- und Textsortenwandel und der Sitzung zur E-Mail als Kommunikationsform aus dem Sommersemester 2011 an.[…]
Zunächst beschäftigt sich das erste Kapitel mit dem Auftritt der E-Mail, einigen wenigen Informationen zu ihrem Geschichtsverlauf sowie der hier wichtigen Frage, ob es sich bei ihr um eine Textsorte oder eine Kommunikationsform handelt – aufmerksamen Lesern kann die Antwort bisher nicht entgangen sein, sie bildet die Verständnisgrundlage für das zweite Kapitel.
Die verwendeten Beschreibungsdimensionen werden im hiesigen Verständnis kurz erläutert und bei der Analyse der Beispiele aus den drei ausgewählten Bereichen angewandt. Selbstverständlich wird dazu auf das gleiche Korpus der Seminarsitzung zurückgegriffen. Der Begriff der Textsorte an sich soll hier nur als eine Art Randbegriff oder Mittel zum Zweck dienen. Im Gegensatz zur Sprache rückt es nicht ins Zentrum des durchgehenden Interesses, als Gegenstand der Analyse bleibt es natürlich stets gegenwärtig. Gemäß dem Gesprächsverlauf der Sitzung muss sich die hier übergeordnete Fragestellung anpassen und sich nach der Leistung der Kommunikationsform E-Mail bezüglich der Sprache erkundigen. Das letzte Kapitel nimmt hierzu zwei Thesen aus dem Seminar auf, die kurz angeführt und danach besprochen werden. Dabei geht es zunächst um die Empfindung personaler Distanziertheit anhand der Mailkommunikation und um die Frage, inwiefern sich diese zu einem sogenannten Chat entwickeln könnte.
Am Ende wird ein Fazit gezogen. Die Ergebnisse werden zusammengefasst und die Vorgehensweise dargelegt und begründet, um einen abschließenden Kommentar und Ausblick zu geben.

Link to Love

von Herbert Friedmann, Nadine Heidenreich

Lisa ist unglücklich. Gerade schien es zwischen ihr und Felix so gut zu laufen, da verabschiedet sich dieser Idiot im Rahmen eines Schüleraustausches für ein Jahr in die USA. Doch wozu gibt es E-Mails? Leider entpuppt sich Felix nicht gerade als romantischer Schreiber, und Lisa entdeckt, dass es im Internet viele Chatter gibt, mit denen sie sich weitaus besser unterhalten kann. Und dann taucht eines Tages dieser Typ in ihrer Mailbox auf: Er nennt sich „Sterntaler“ und behauptet, unsterblich in sie verliebt zu sein.

Der Kinder- und Jugendbuchautor Herbert Friedmann wurde 1951 in Groß-Gerau geboren. Er arbeitet seit 1977 als freiberuflicher Schriftsteller und hat in diesem Zeitraum bis heute etwa 70 Bücher publiziert. Mehrere seiner Bücher wurden bis heute in andere Sprachen übersetzt und ausgezeichnet.

So gelingt dein Flirtchat

Richtig Flirten auf Whatsapp, Tinder & Co
von Rebecca Strobe

In diesem Buch geht alles rund ums Flirten und wie Ihr es schafft durch einfaches Handling euch den idealen Partner zu angeln.

Du glaubst nicht daran?

Überzeuge Dich vom Gegenteil!

Und das Wichtigste?

Glaub an dich und deinen Erfolg beim Flirten 😉

Chat Kommunikation

Sprachhandlungskoordination in der Chat-Kommunikation (Linguistik – Impulse & Tendenzen 26)
von Michael Beißwenger

Dieses Buch präsentiert eine grundlegende Studie zur Koordination sprachlichen Handelns in der Chat-Kommunikation. Aufgrund des charakteristischen Einflusses der zugrunde liegenden Technologie erweist sich die Handlungskoordination im Chat– im Vergleich zu Gesprächen – als ein hochgradig individuelles Projekt. Eine Modellierung chatbasierter Kommunikation muss daher berücksichtigen, dass die Beteiligten ihre Handlungspläne nicht zur Laufzeit der Interaktion mit ihren Partnern abgleichen, sondern vielmehr mit dem, was sie – häufig erst zeitlich versetzt – als sprachliche Produkte auf ihren Bildschirmen wahrnehmen. Als Bezugsrahmen für eine Beschreibung interaktionaler Besonderheiten im Chat wird daher ein individuenzentriertes Modell der kommunikativen Teilhabe ausgearbeitet. Auf seiner Basis wird die Frage diskutiert, inwieweit Kategorien, die sich für die Analyse von Gesprächen bewährt haben, sinnvoll auch für die Beschreibung chatbasierter Kommunikationsprozesse übernommen werden können. Die theoretischen Befunde werden in einer Fallstudie auf Basis multimodaler Daten zu Nutzeraktivitäten beim Chatten empirisch untermauert. Hierbei wird auch deutlich, dass für interaktionslinguistische Untersuchungen so genannte „Mitschnitte“ keine ausreichende Datenbasis darstellen und dass die Chat-Forschung von einer Miteinbeziehung von Beobachtungsdaten zur Kommunikationsteilhabe wesentlich profitieren kann. Die Darstellung eines Designs für die Erhebung solcher Daten sowie eines dafür entwickelten Transkriptionsformats ist ebenfalls Teil des Buches.

Resteklicken Ein Facebook Roman

von Moritz Meschner

Moritz hat Liebeskummer. Denn Steffi hat ihn verlassen. Die blöde Kuh. Moritz leidet. Sehr. Laut. Und öffentlich. Denn dankenswerterweise lässt Moritz jeden, der sich auf sein Facebook- Profil verirrt an diesem Schmerz teilhaben. Auch Steffi. Doch die zeigt sich erbarmungslos. Und Moritz merkt bald, dass er etwas ändern muss, wenn er Steffi – oder für den Anfang sein Leben – zurückbekommen möchte. Ausloggen. Anziehen. Los geht’s.

Nie mehr Blind Date von Caruso Matarese

Ist eine Schweizerin leichter zu erobern als zum Beispiel eine Deutsche, Italienerin oder Spanierin? Und wann darf man eigentlich das erste Mal an Sex denken?
Max schmeißt seinen Job und gibt eine Kontaktanzeige auf, in der er sich fälschlicherweise als Arzt ausgibt. So lernt er die reizende Schweizerin Pia kennen, in die er sich Hals über Kopf verliebt.
Als der Schwindel jedoch auffliegt, will diese nichts mehr von ihm wissen.
Doch so leicht gibt Max nicht auf. Er folgt ihr nach Kalifornien, wo es ziemlich heiß wird…

Vom Chat ins Bett

In 10 Schritten jede Frau online verführen
von meets Life, Erfolg

Keine Frau schreibt dir zurück? Du bist einsam und allein? Du fühlst dich traurig?
Zeit für Veränderung!
Lerne, auf welche Nachrichten 99% aller Mädchen antworten und worauf Frauen bei Chatten richtig stehen!

Zuletzt online

*** Du gefällst mir ***
von Misa Ahrend

Liebe, Freundschaft, Hass und Neid. Große Emotionen – die manchmal nah beieinander liegen.
„Hey!“ So beginnt sie – Lillis und Fabis Geschichte. Der unbekannte Typ im Gruppenchat klingt nett, also fasst Lilli sich ein Herz und schreibt ihn an. Nach anfänglicher Skepsis lässt Fabi sich auf das Spiel ein. Aus zwei völlig Fremden werden Freunde. Und vielleicht sogar mehr? Es ist der Anfang einer ganz besonderen Geschichte. Erzählt nur über Mobilnachrichten. Angereichert mit Fotos, Videos, GIFs und vielen privaten Momenten aus Lillis und Fabis Leben. Perfekt für die schnelle Lektüre unterwegs auf dem Smartphone.

Unterstützt von Booktuberin und Buchpatin Agathe Knoblauch. Folgt Agathe jetzt auf YouTube, Instagram oder Facebook und erfahrt noch mehr über „Zuletzt online“.

Eine wahre Chat Geschichte

Madame Butterfly: Eine wahre Chat-Geschichte
von Lysander LaFortune und Marlon Baker

Dass der in Neuseeland lebende Druide und Autor Lysander LaFortune auch spannende Erzählungen, Romane und Handbücher (nicht nur) für Hexen und Druiden schreibt, beweißt er mit dem hier vorliegenden Buch Madame Butterfly erneut. Diese wahre Chat-Geschichte von 130 Seiten zeigt das doch recht eintönige Leben von Ellen …, bis sie für sich das Internet, aber vor allem auch das Chatten entdeckt! Lesen Sie, was passiert, wenn eine Hausfrau und Mutter das Internet für sich erobert … und ganz neue Seiten an sich aber auch an ihren Mitmenschen entdeckt!

Liebe auf den ersten Klick

Annie goes online – Liebe auf den ersten Klick, reloaded: (K)eine Romanze. Ein Stück virtuelle Zeitgeschichte
von Carola Heine

Annie surft und chattet, lacht, liebt und arbeitet im virtuellen Raum: Vernetzt ist vieles einfacher und lustiger als zu Fuß, manuell oder per Fax. Doch dann geschieht etwas, das einen großen Schatten aus Annies Vergangenheit direkt auf ihren Bildschirm holt.

Wo warst Du Mitte der 90er, als Modems noch quietschend röchelten – als es Modems überhaupt noch gab – und AOL die Republik mit silbernen Scheiben flutete? BTX lag im Sterben, geschäftliche Mail-Adressen waren selten und Smileys bestanden aus reinen Textzeichen. Wer hätte damals gedacht, dass ausgerechnet reine Anwender eines Tages als „Digital Natives“ gelten würden? Bestimmt nicht Annie und all die anderen, die sich noch halbwegs mit Technik auskennen mussten, um online zu gehen.

Das Buch ist (k)eine Romanze aus der Ära, in der das Internetphänomen in Deutschland Anlauf nahm und irgendwann klar wurde: Das geht jetzt nicht mehr weg. Ein Stück virtuelle Zeitgeschichte und eine Bestandsaufnahme, denn Einblicke in verschiedene Systeme und Hintergrundinfos ergänzen Annies Online-Abenteuer.

„Annie goes online – Liebe auf den ersten Klick reloaded“ ist die Neuauflage des 1997 bei ECON erschienenen „Liebe auf den ersten Klick“ der Autorin Carola Heine

Kinder sicher im Netz

Das Elternbuch (mitp Anwendungen)
von Sigrid Born

Chatten, Bloggen, Twittern – Was macht mein Kind da eigentlich am Computer, Smartphone und Tablet?

Konkrete Anleitung zu Sicherheitseinstellungen und Virenschutz für Kinder

Kostenfallen, Pornografie und Cybermobbing verhindern

Die Leichtigkeit, mit der Kinder und Jugendliche den Computer, das Smartphone oder Tablet bedienen, geht meist mit einer gewissen Sorglosigkeit gegenüber möglichen Internetgefahren einher. Viele Eltern und Großeltern wissen eigentlich gar nicht, wo sich ihr Kind bzw. Enkelkind im Netz gerade tummelt.

Sigrid Born, selbst Mutter von zwei computerbegeisterten Söhnen und erfahrene Online-Redakteurin, zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie zusammen mit Ihrem Kind möglichen Gefahren begegnen und sie mit einfachen Mitteln meistern. Ob exakte Sicherheitseinstellungen am Handy, spezielle Software wie der KinderServer zum Surfen oder geschickte Facebook-Einstellungen zum Schutz der Persönlichkeit – es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, die Sicherheit zu verbessern und dabei den Spaß an den neuen Medien nicht zu verlieren. Schritt für Schritt geht Sigrid Born die verschiedenen Methoden mit Ihnen durch, so dass Sie Ihren Kindern ganz kompetent zur Seite stehen können.

Mit dem Wissen aus diesem Buch können Sie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen Aufklärungsarbeit bezüglich jugendgefährdender Webinhalte leisten, damit diese nicht Opfer von Sekten oder gewaltverherrlichenden Strömungen werden. Ganz nebenbei verbessern Sie so nicht nur die Internet-Kompetenz Ihres Kindes, sondern auch Ihre eigene.

Aus dem Inhalt:

Die größten Gefahren im Internet kennen und meiden

Der erste Schritt: den Rechner sicher machen

Fünf Freunde und der Facebook-Gigant – über das Leben in sozialen Netzwerken

Wir wollen doch nur spielen: Internetspiele, Xbox und Playstation

Filesharing, Downloads, Copy & Paste – und wie passt das zum Urheberrecht?

Abofallen und Abzocke im Internet

Kommunikation pur – Chatten, Bloggen, Twittern, Mailen

Mobiltelefon – wichtige Einstellungen für die Sicherheit

Verletzung der Persönlichkeitsrechte: Cybermobbing und Identitätsdiebstahl

Jugendgefährdende Inhalte – Rassismus, Gewaltverherrlichung, Essstörung

Die Rechtslage: Persönlichkeitsrechte, Taschengeldparagraf und Jugendmedienschutz

Anhang mit nützlichen Links, Literatur und Glossar

25 Tips für Tinder, Lovoo und Co

Flirten, Chatten und Daten mit und in sozialen Netzwerken – ein Praxisleitfaden
von Johanna Weisberger

Chatten im Internet ist einfach! Jemanden kennenlernen im Internet ist einfach! Flirten im Internet ist einfach!

Was unterscheidet nun dieses Buch von anderen? Nun, es handelt sich hier um die gesammelten Erfahrungen aus dem echten Leben. Über Monate und Jahre habe ich mir die Geschichten aus meinem Freundeskreis angehört und hier zusammengetragen. Es handelt sich also nicht um wissenschaftliche Analysen, Statistiken und Studien, sondern einfach um Erfahrungen aus dem täglichen Leben.

In dem Buch sind nicht nur Tips und Tricks aufgelistet, auch werden diverse Fallstricke dargestellt, die es tunlichst zu vermeiden gilt.

Chatroom Falle

Die Autorin verpackt ihre eigenen Erfahrungen als Kripo-Beamtin in eine überaus spannende und bewegende Krimihandlung und macht so Jugendliche sensibel für die Gefahren der vermeintlich anonymen Chatrooms.

Ein regnerischer Tag im Juni, irgendwo in der niederländischen Provinz. Zwei Mädchen liegen bewusstlos hinter einer Bushaltestelle.
Was ist passiert?
Marcia und Floor kennen sich seit der siebten Klasse. Nach der Schule treffen sie sich, um im Internet zu surfen. Denn richtig süße Jungs lernt man nur im Chatroom kennen, davon ist Marcia überzeugt. Dass manche Jungs sie auffordern, sich auszuziehen, macht die Sache nur noch prickelnder. Was können ihnen die Typen hinter ihren Rechnern schon anhaben? Da landet das Angebot einer Modelagentur in Floors Posteingang. Im Internet bewundern die Mädchen die tollen Bilder der Models – um sich dann voller Hoffnungen auf den Weg zum Fotoshooting zu machen.

Das, was Marcia und Floor im Chatroom passiert, ist kein Einzelfall. In ihrer Arbeit als Kriminalbeamtin erlebte Helen Vreeswijk nur zu oft, wie Jugendliche via Internet Opfer von Missbrauch und Gewalt wurden. Um Mädchen und Jungen vor den Gefahren der vermeintlich anonymen Chatrooms zu warnen, hat sie dieses Buch geschrieben. Dabei erzählt die Autorin nicht nur die bewegende Geschichte von Floor und Marcia, sondern auch, wie die Polizei den Tätern auf die Schliche kommt.

Nominiert für den Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis 2010 (Jugendjury)


Ein Ratgeber für Betroffene und Angehörige
von Holger Feindel

Online spielen, surfen oder chatten – was wie ein Zeitvertreib oder ein Hobby beginnt, kann außer Kontrolle geraten. Wenn das ständige Onlinesein dazu führt, dass Menschen ihr reales Leben – Freunde, Arbeit, Schlaf und Ernährung – vernachlässigen, dann ist das Internet zu einem existenzbedrohenden Problem geworden.
Holger Feindel beschreibt, wie man eine Onlinesucht von normalem Internetgebrauch abgrenzt, wer besonders gefährdet ist und welche Behandlung hilft. Mit vielen anschaulichen Fallbeispielen und konkreten Anregungen begleitet er Betroffene und Angehörige zurück auf den Weg ins Real Life.

Erfolgreich Flirten Chatten Daten

200 Tipps und Tricks für den Mann
von Alina Steffen

Dieses Buch enthält 200 Tipps und Tricks, wie Sie erfolgreich mit Frauen flirten, chatten und daten.

Wie ziehe ich mich am besten an? Wie verhalte ich mich am besten? Was kommt an, was nicht?

All diese Fragen werden durch die wertvollen Tipps und Tricks beantwortet. Finden Sie Ihre Traumfrau und flirten Sie mit ihr richtig.

Erfolgreich flirten ist meist gar nicht so einfach. Daher gibt dieser Ratgeber in 200 Tipps viele wertvolle Hilfen, dass Sie endlich Ihre Traumprinzessin für sich gewinnen können.

Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Erfolg mit diesen Tipps!

Gibt es einen Flow beim Chatten

Flow Erleben und Chatten: Die Ergebnisse, Analyse und Diskussion zur Frage: “ Gibt es einen Flow beim Chatten ?“
von Hecht, S./ Georg, S./ Günther, A.

Forschungsarbeit aus dem Jahr 2002 im Fachbereich Pädagogik – Pädagogische Psychologie, Note: 1,0, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg (Institut für Psychologie und Erziehungswissenschaften), Veranstaltung: EGA-Seminare, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Da die Arbeitsgruppe, selbst oft chattete und das Gefähl einer „Ich-Losigkeit“ erlebte, stellte sich bald die Frage, oft dieses „Flowerleben“ auch empirisch zu beweisen wäre.
Diese Arbeit richtet sich vor allem an empirisch interessierte Menschen.

Jugendliche und das Chatten von Brigitte Wolf

Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Padagogik – Padagogische Soziologie, Note: 1,0, Padagogische Akademie des Bundes in der Steiermark (Informations- und Kommunikationspadagogik), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der Chat ist ein soziales Phanomen des 20. Jahrhunderts, das sich in der jungen wie auch der alteren Generation gleichermaen beobachten lasst. Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit ist es, die Chat-Kommunikation darzustellen. Der Theorieteil befasst sich im ersten Kapitel mit der Chat-Kommunikation im Allge-meinen. Hier werden die wichtigsten Begriffe im Einzelnen betrachtet und definiert. Da die Internetkommunikation einen starken Einfluss auf die sprachliche Entwicklung von Jugendlichen hat, wird auch dieser Aspekt genauer beleuchtet. Im zweiten Kapitel werden die Ursachen und das Ausma des Chattens beschrieben. Beginnend mit der Tatsache, dass das Chatten eine neue Freizeitgestaltung ist und zum medialen Alltag dazugehort, folgen darauf Vor- und Nachteile. Das dritte Kapitel beschreibt die be-stehenden Gefahren. Im vierten Kapitel wird auf das Soziale Miteinander eingegangen. Darin geht es gezielt um die Selbstdarstellung und soziale Beziehungen im Chat. Im nachfolgenden Kapitel werden die gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen behandelt. Das abschlieende Kapitel listet die aktuell angebotenen Chatprogramme in Schulen auf. Der empirische Teil beinhaltet die Schwerpunkte „Chatten im Unterricht“ und „Gesund-heitliche Aspekte des Chattens.“ Zu Beginn meiner Arbeit stellte ich mir die Frage: „Sehen Jugendliche Gefahren beim Chatten?“ Diese Fragestellung hat sich im Laufe der Datenanalyse bestatigt. Die Bachelorarbeit endet mit einer Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse und einer Schlussfolgerung.


Tinder: DIE TINDER-BIBEL: Dein Erfolgsrezept für mehr Matches, Chats und Dates
von Gabriel Eschhaus

Werde zum absoluten Frauenmagneten auf Tinder!

Du versuchst, durch Tinder, Frauen kennenzulernen, doch es will nicht so recht klappen? Du fragst dich, wie du endlich erfolgreich im Online-Dating werden kannst?

Mit dieser Strategie wirst du in kürzester Zeit zum Tinder-Star!

Wusstest du, dass 80% der Männer auf Tinder immer wieder die gleichen Fehler machen? Erfahre, wie du dich von der Masse abhebst und mit wenigen, einfachen Schritten, mindestens doppelt so erfolgreich wirst! Egal ob du deine Traumfrau suchst, oder unverbindlichen Sex, es ist einfacher als du denkst!

Unter anderem wirst du in diesem Buch folgendes lernen:

• Wie du dein Profil optimierst, um 100% mehr Matches zu erhalten

• Wie du Frauen so anschreibst, dass du sofort ihr Interesse weckst

• Wie du in kürzester Zeit vom Chat zum Date kommst

• Warum die richtige Planung deines Dates der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist

• Wie du während eines Dates Nähe und Anziehung aufbaust, um Frauen erfolgreich zu verführen

Lerne außerdem im BONUS-Kapitel, welche drei Top-Tinder-Alternativen du unbedingt nutzen solltest, um deine Erfolgschancen zu verdreifachen!

Sichere dir jetzt dieses Buch und starte deine eigene Tinder-Erfolgsstory!

WhatsApp für Senioren

Aktuelle Version – speziell für Samsung u.a. Smartphones mit Android
von Anja Schmid

Mit WhatsApp tauschen Sie Nachrichten, Fotos oder Videos aus, fassen Freunde in Gruppen zusammen und verteilen so Informationen schnell an alle. Wie Sie WhatsApp installieren bzw. bei einem Austausch des Smartphones Ihre Daten auf das neue Gerät übertragen, lernen Sie in diesem Buch. Erfahren Sie, welche Informationen Sie neben der eigentlichen Nachricht übermitteln, wie Sie unerwünschte Kontakte blockieren oder Ihren Standort weiterleiten.
Dieses Buch behandelt die Bedienung von WhatsApp mit einem Samsung Smartphone, oder anderem Gerät auf dem das Betriebssystem Android installiert ist

Chatten im Netz

Sozialpsychologische Anmerkungen zum Verhältnis von Internet und Sexualität
von Christiane Pönitzsch

Magisterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2002 im Fachbereich Soziologie – Familie, Frauen, Männer, Sexualität, Geschlechter, Note: gut, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (Psychologisches Institut), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Wie jedes neu aufkommende Medium ist auch das Internet stark umstritten und wird eher ängstlich betrachtet. Die gute alte Briefpost wird kaum noch benötigt, man muss sich nicht mehr durch Kaufhäuser quälen, um einzukaufen, Dienstleistungen und Waren aller Art können online bestellt und Informationen im Internet abgerufen werden. Selbst zur Befriedigung unserer sexuellen Wünsche müssen wir das Haus nicht mehr verlassen. Pornografische Fotos, Videos und natürlich virtueller Sex in den Chaträumen: Ist es tatsächlich so einfach, per Mausklick zum Orgasmus zu kommen?

Als ich mich vor rund drei Jahren zum ersten Mal in einen Chat eingeloggt habe, war ich schlicht neugierig. Sich mit wildfremden Menschen unterhalten zu können, die kilometerweit entfernt ebenfalls vor dem Computer sitzen, vielleicht sogar in einem anderen Land, auf einem anderen Kontinent, war fast unvorstellbar für mich. Umso überraschter war ich, als ich die dortige Kommunikation verfolgte und feststellte, wie intim und teilweise vertraut die Chatter miteinander umgingen. Es hat keinen Unterschied gemacht, ob ich mich in einem explizit sexuell ausgerichteten oder eher „harmlosen“ Chat ohne bestimmten Themenschwerpunkt befand: Neben allgemeinen, freundschaftlichen Gesprächen wurden fast immer auch erotische geführt. Während ich bei den Unterhaltungen über Gott und die Welt das Gefühl hatte, die Chatter würden sich schon ewig kennen und eine kleine, eingeschworene Gemeinde bilden, so schockierte mich anfangs die Offenheit, die bei der sexuell ausgerichteten Kommunikation zu beobachten war. Was genau ging da vor sich?
Wie funktioniert das, Sexualität im Chat?
Diese Frage beschäftigte mich damals; in dieser Arbeit möchte ich Antworten darauf finden.